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getting over the past

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alright so i found out my boyfriend was getting texts from two girls that i didnt know about. one from a city near us who asked one of his bball players for his number and then a diff one he met in the summer at his coachs cookout (his niece or something). well i knew about the coaches neice but i didnt know she had been texting him. and the other girl is someone i dont know at all who is trying to like flirt and get with my boyfriend. i know he wouldnt do anything and hes a great guy that i can trust... and right when i yelled at him etc he said he would never talk to the girl ever again on anything. but the neice still texts him, they are simple texts like how was your bball game and stuff.


but still i hate it. i told him i dont want him to really talk to her either. its just that he didnt tell me about these girls in the first place that makes me so uneasy. if he had been honest and upfront about it im sure this would have been different. but because he hid it and probably wouldnt have told me if i never found out, makes me mad. im trying not to be pyscho about it, but i keep thinking bad things about i dont even know... i know i can trust him but i just keep always getting mad about it.


we have actually been fighting latley and after the night this happened and we talked we got 100% better. so its not like our relationship is bad... i just am frustrated with myself for continuing to think bad things that arent true. i want to get over this but because of my thoughts i keep bringing it up which makes it worse. HELP ME AND MY CRAZINESS AH. how do you learn to put things in the past for good and get over it.

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