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Hello to all my LS buddies.


It has been a while since I have asked for some advice but I could not be more desperate.


I went rock climbing on the weekend and stupidly forgot the sunscreen.


More Australians die from skin cancer than on any other nation as our sun is literally a killer.


My back, the backs of my legs and arms are literally as red as the color scheme on this website. :(


I have tried the usual, cold baths, asprin, and aloe-


The pain is unbelievable so are there any home remedies out there I could give a try?



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burning 4 revenge

this happened to me thanks to a sunbed a couple of years ago. you just have to wait to molt. it took me about three days for the pain to subside considerably, but i remained discolored for about six months-totally red for the first month and then increasingly b4r color until i was totally back to normal. i know the pain is agonizing (like little pinpricks)


i went to the doctor and he prescribed a painkiller which helped a little, but not much.

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My mom fell asleep on a raft in our pool at our old house, and she got lobster red. It was so bad she went to the emergency room and they said she had "sun poisoning" (?) and prescribed a cream for it.


Maybe it's time to see a doctor?

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I would have thought calamine would dry it out. Wouldn't vinegar sting!?


I might go to the docs actually. I have a very high fever.

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I would have thought calamine would dry it out.

It's pink, and wet. Slap some on, and stop complaining. It smells a bit funny, but you can't have everything.

I have a very high fever.
A painful lesson... but one scalding won't make any difference. Just like alcohol, it's long-term "overindulgence" (or neglect) that causes the real damage.


I hope the rock climbing was worth it, haha. Just wish away the next two weeks, and you'll be a new woman.

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