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Well just a recap of the situation: livin in bf cheated on me with a married women and I didn't tell the husband and we are working on our relationship.


Well just to say that we are in counceling and we are doing a lot better then we were three weeks ago. My bf confessed to the husband and I am releaved that they are really out of my lives rather or not their together I am not sure and I really don't care to know. We are going through him leaving for school in a week and even though we are okay I don't think we are really stable for the move. I have to stay her in our home town to raise my child and work to pay my house and such and he will be two hours away going to college. He is really stressed out because I told him he should just go and we will try to make it work and he knows that I am not ready and he wants our relationship to to be solid before he leaves because honestly the wound is still a little fresh.


Now I know that it will be hard but we have planned on this for over a year: he was suppose to go to school for 4 months and come back for me. I was fine with it until that black day. I am doing better. I make the effort everyday to make it work and we are doing fine, I don't throw it in his face because I want to forgive whole heartedly.


I will not forgive myself if I make him stay. So I am trying very hard to be alright. Our counceler said we are very rare couple he see's it. So I guess it a good Sign?

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