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There's this girl i can't live without.. what do i do??

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it all started back 3 yrs ago when i met her at a party.. we started talking.. exchanged #'s and that was that.. the next day we talked on aol instant messenger and we began chatting on the phone daily.. i had heard she had an ex that was a pain but i never really cared... i was head over heels for this girl.. we began dating and had our 1st date on my birthday and it was my best and i will never 4 get that day.. we dated all summer.. everything was perfect...


until she went to a dance camp and her ex kept callin her n shook things all up... at the time i was new with it all so i backed off.. a few weeks later she was callin me.. we hung out a little bit but soon became busy with school starting.. we really didnt talk much but i was invited 2 her homecoming by another group of girls with my friends to go.. we went and i saw her there and our eyes were always on eachother even with our dates being there.. time went by and we talked even when she was with him along.. i saw her that winter at a basketball game and she said after that game she can't go without me around..


over the past 3 years i've always been there 4 her.. we've hooked up off and on.. i've hated her she's hated me.. we always go back 2eachother... she and i talk about things no1 else would dare. i was the 1st there in her car wreck.. i always am there and will be there at all costs.. in the past 4 months she has overcame that guy and he has moved away.. she knows in the past that i've really wanted her bad and i'm kinda protetective of her bc we have a bond that no1 can see...


when it's just me and her i feel i can do nething.. i could take a nap with her or go to another planet... truth is i love her with all my heart.. she's always been iffy of us getting back 2gether.. i have everything she wants and needs and i've learned what she needs through mistakes.. she always speaks well of me.. i love her.. the ? is... how n what do i have 2 do 2 make it happen?? how does all of this go2gether and not have us 2gether.. i'm muuuch more than a friend but not quite her guy.. she wants a guy but none of them can give her what i can.. and she even says that... please help neway u can....... thanks

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