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I don't understand her

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I was dating this girl about a year and a half ago. Didn't last long, just a couple of months. Anyway she went back to her ex in another state. We got back together two months later but she panicked yet again and this time she initiated an ugly fight which she used as an excuse to get rid of me. It was bogus, but whatever. I got over it.


Sooooo almost a year later my roommate receives a phone call from a strange number and this girl is asking him about me. She said she'd be back in a month and that I'd know who it was. Well that month came and went and I never saw her although she called "anonymously" on my cell phone on the 1 year anniversary of the last time we saw each other. She didn't say anything. Hung up when I said hello.


At first I was flattered when she tried contacting me after all this time but then I got pissed because she tried to back-door her way in through my roommate. Did she expect me to ask him for the number off his caller ID and call her back? Do you think she feels guilty for what she did? Why does she inquire about me, THEN hang up? There is a small part of me that wants to "return" her phone call to say I'm not mad for what she did but I've moved on. I just don't like being "sucked back in" when things are going well in my life.

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Fight the part that wants to call her back. I'd also ignore any further contact she tries to make with you. Sounds like she was just playing games with you.

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She called "anonymously"? How exactly are you certain it was her?


She probably doesn't even know what she wants, that's why her actions don't make sense. My guess is you're some backup she thinks about now and then, when she's between other guys. Whatever it is, she doesn't actually want to talk to you whatever she says, that's why she hangs up and talks to your roommate instead of you.

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