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Weird back problem

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For a few days now (About 3/4 days) I have had a strange back ache problem and I was wondering if anyone could explain what this is that I have.


I have an itchy, achey, sensative back. Whenever I touch my back or scratch my back (gently) it hurts, feels like someone punched it.


I have been feeling anxious/worried/stressing recently, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with this problem.


I was hoping someone can help me out to let me know if I cought some kind of 'bug'. I looked on google but all it seems to come up with is 'testical problems' :confused:



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best thing to do is check with a doctor, you'll need to let him know what area is hurting and the way that it hurts.


my first thought is sore muscles, though the itchy description doesn't make sense. Unless something bit you or you're having an allergic reaction that's causing pain?

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You should absolutely see a doctor. Is it your lower back? Lower back pain can be a kidney infection, which needs to be treated right away.

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You should absolutely see a doctor. Is it your lower back? Lower back pain can be a kidney infection, which needs to be treated right away.

I second that. Grow some balls, or go to the doctor. And, I mean and. Sorry.

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have you taken any ibuprophen for pain/ inflammation/ swelling?


also tingling sounds like something with the nerve..... does the pain radiate down your butt and in your hips/ upper thighs?

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also tingling sounds like something with the nerve.....

Could be. A slipped disc? Skipping some tracks?? Hopefully not!

does the pain radiate down your butt
That's just the best feeling. Butt radiations rule.

and in your hips/ upper thighs?
I don't want to sound alarmist, but Storyrider mentioned the possibility of an infection. I know that most of us have two kidneys, but that's no reason to be complacent.


Has it gotten any worse? I don't know how the NHS works... if things are worrying you, you should probably rock on down to casualty. You'll probably have to wait for several hours, unless you can out-groan the other patients-to-be.

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Thanks for the replies everyone :)


quankanne - I got my mum to look on my back to see if I had anything on there but there is no rash.


Storyrider - Yes is is my lower back which is most pain and itchy. I notice when I scratch lower down my back thats where it feels like I have been punched, the punch pain fades after a while, but then when I feel itchy and scratch there again the punch pain comes back.


IpAncA - It doesnt appear to be swollen.


laRubiaBonita - I have not taken anything for the pain. The pain does not radiate any lower either.


I'm not worried about it but I will take the advice you guys have said and go see my docor about it to be on the safe side incase it is a kidney infection or slipped nearve.


Cheers ;)

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Cool. So you just wanted some attention, then.

What would I need attention for?


I didn't want to over react with worrying because that could make it feel worse. I've been told that worrying is not good for you...

If my doctor tells me it is something serious then of course I would worry loads.

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I had a back problem a few weeks ago that lasted about 1 1/2 weeks, I think it was caused by stress. Stress is the # cause of back pain. Do you have a rash on your back? If you have a rash it could be shingles which my friend says she has and is caused by stress. Mine was not itchy but I went to a chiropractor and that helped.

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