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Isn't is deserve a discussion about making right choice?

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Dear LoveAngel Ryan,and other friends,


I think you have made LoveShack an amazingly helpful and interesting place to visit on the www. I came back this time with another question which I guess that many people must face to. Since no one is perfect if we value him in a objective way or at least most of us are not lucky enough to meet with a perfect person, making choices is not a snap. It seems to me that many people likely to pursue the things they don't have at present, even ¡°bravely¡±taking the risks of somthing undesirable being doomed.


Are there some principles to follow in order for a man to choose a right woman and vice versa?


I think making right choice might be a good starting point for healthy, stable, and enjoyable relationship.

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Dear LoveAngel Ryan,and other friends, I think you have made LoveShack an amazingly helpful and interesting place to visit on the www.

Why thank you! :) We try our best! :) And if you find anything you'd like to see changed, or perhaps something doesn't appear as it should, please let us know! :)

I came back this time with another question which I guess that many people must face to. Since no one is perfect if we value him in a objective way or at least most of us are not lucky enough to meet with a perfect person, making choices is not a snap. It seems to me that many people likely to pursue the things they don't have at present, even ¡°bravely¡±taking the risks of somthing undesirable being doomed.


Are there some principles to follow in order for a man to choose a right woman and vice versa?


I think making right choice might be a good starting point for healthy, stable, and enjoyable relationship.

I don't entirely understand your question but it looks to me like you're trying to find out if there are general qualities that men seek out in women. To tell you the truth, it all depends on the individual. I could ask you conversely if there are specific qualities that women look for in men and I think you'd be just as stuck. Whether we choose to believe it or not, we're all individuals with our own goals and ideals. Modern society tends to group people into two categories: male and female. We've learned the hard way how people can't be classified by the color of their skin, their talent, their intellegence and the like yet we continue to bias against each other on the premise of our sexual roles.


There is no answer to your question, Helen, other than to find out what an individual is seeking from a potential mate, is by asking them directly. But then again, why should this matter to you? You need to be yourself -- whatever that is. If I were to tell you that all men like promiscious women, would you attempt to get a date by being overly flirtatious? And if that did by chance work, would you continue being someone else in order to maintain a relationship? By being yourself, whomever does pursue a relationship with you will love you for who you are, not who you're trying to be. You simply cannot have a successful relationship by lying to people. It voids out the whole trust aspect. And you certainly can't lie to yourself. If you're going to be anything, be you. :) Best wishes to you.





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Well I appreciate your kind words. We work hard here to provide a professional class of service to people at no cost to them. The only reward we get is a warm fuzzy that lets us know we are giving something back.


As for your question of finding the "right" people....this COMPLETELY depends on who is doing the looking. A great amount of what influences our "template" in relationships is what we were brought up around. I like to call this the comfortability theory: people seek out relationships that remind them of what is FAMILIAR from their past, regardless if it is healthy or not. People feel comfortable in these situations because it's all they really KNOW. Also, people may seek to recreate those past relationships in an attempt to somehow repair the situation. Unfortunately this backfires and people head into a downward spiral. This works in both ways though...people who had very healthy childhoods and parents are much more likely to be strong individuals and create healthy relationships.


So to answer your question, finding the right people starts with finding yourself.

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