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i like him and he likes me... why isn't it happening?

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I'm in my late late teens and i like this new family friend. He flirts with me too so i think he likes me just sometimes i get different messages. Should i act aloof and see what happens or something else?

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Should i act aloof and see what happens or something else?


What kind of "something else" do you have in mind, exactly?


sometimes i get different messages.


Such as? And how often do you see him? Often, or just here and there?


He flirts with me too


In what way?


I'm in my late late teens and i like this new family friend.


Is he the same age as you? And why is he new?


Sometimes ages come in to play as far as how to proceed.


Not sure what to tell you as there isnt a whole lot of detail to work with.


What would you like to happen? Are you looking for a relationship or just a casual thing?


There are a million different possibilities but I am unsure how to advise you as you didnt say much.


i like him and he likes me... why isn't it happening?


Thats a pretty bold statement...how do you know he likes you? did he tell you? Or because you were flirting you just assumed?


Maybe its still too soon. Maybe he doesnt know you like him. Maybe he is just being nice and you think he is flirting. Maybe he has a wife and 3 kids at home. Maybe he was waiting for you to make the first move. Maybe he is embarrassed.


There are a million different possiblilties, but just be sure that you arent confusing flirting with him liking you. Most men and women flirt to get an ego boost. Meaning, its good for the minute but forgotten in the next.

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