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Got the signals then.....

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A couple of weeks ago I went to the bank to get a statement. I walk in and out of the corner office walks out this gorgeous brunette. She asks if I need something and I say I need a statement. Strange. Why would the bank manager go out of her way to help me?


She invites me to her office where I see a picture of a small boy (her son I'm guessing) but no pictures of the father and/or husband. Hmmmmmm. So she prints out the statement, I get up to turn around and she reaches out to shake my hand. What??? A handshake for a bank statement.


I leave the bank and I say to myself, "You're an idiot. WHY didn't you ask her for number?!?! Stupid!"


A week later I go in to deposit some money. I look up and she's looking right at me from her corner office. I leave without doing anything.


Today I went in there with the intention of getting her number. I made another deposit. Talked to a guy I knew that worked there. Changed my address with someone else that worked there and then talked to another guy that I knew that works there also. By this time I had been in there a good 20 minutes. Stalling because she had someone in her office. She comes out and I go in to talk to her. I ask her for her phone number and she says, "I'm married. I was horrified. You do not know how embarassed I was. She pointed at her ring and the picture of her son. I apologized like crazy but then she asked me if I wanted her office number. I did not know what that meant. I think she was trying to spare me some more shame or do damage control in case someone in the other offices heard what was going on in there.


Ok so she's married. No prob. Move on. This one's taken. My question is: Is my radar broken? Did I misinterpret her signals? I thought I was "in" because I didn't see a picture of the happy couple on her desk. No picture of her husband anywhere. I don't know if I can show my face there again.

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LilMiss Intimidation

She asked you for help because that's her job. She gave you a handshake because that's being professional. Maybe she thinks your cute, or maybe she's just a nice person. I don't think she was trying to make the moves on ya. But who knows.


Don't be embarrased though, you probably made her day.

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