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Good Friends Relationship

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Hello all,


Alright heres my situation just want a different prospective r any comments. I've been good friends with this girl Jess, id consider her my best female friend. We went out for like a week 2 yrs ago (both seniors in HS) to which i broke off b/c i thought it was wierd that i only knew her as a friend for a week, she came on strong. Threwout these past 2 yrs we talk all the time we will talk about anything doesnt matter. Recently about 3-4 months ago she started going out with a friend of mine who i know to be kinda shaddy at times. He has cheated n such many a time.


So i told her u need anything im around which she knows and accepts, and has used at times. Threw the whole time they have been dating he keeps in contact with his ex. which Jess does not approve of b/c she has looked at his fone n he has txt her saying i love u still n such. and he will aim his ex n talk all nite but wont aim jess he says he is busy.


He even had the balls one day to have Jess take him to his ex gf's house to which she pulled halfway in the driveway and left. He knows I will do anything to protect her and shows he is scared when i ask him about things, i dont hasstle him i just ask nicely. I say hi when i see her occationally hug her, txt her almost everyday. I would do anything for this girl,i love her to death great girl, shes views me as big brother tells me she loves me as one. I dont want to see her hurt but i dont want to get too involved and mess things up for her.


Should i just leave it alone and let her handle it or take a step in?


*note* i do not want a relationship with her other then wat we have

Thanks for any insight n such.

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