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Hello. I am new to the forum and hope you don't mind if I share my story. I fell in love about 6 years ago and had a good two and a half years with this man. He cheated on me and we split.

He changed his tune. He offered me the world, but I wasn't ready. I hadn't forgiven nor forgotten. I still loved him, but wasn't ready to keep up the relationship. We continued to see each other on and off over the last couple of years.

Over the last year, I found myself forgetting and truly forgiving him. In my heart, head and my whole soul was completely open to him and his love.

I finally told him I needed him. I wanted him. I still love him.

He told me about his current situation which is tricky to say the least. He started dating a girl he works with (and also the boss' niece) and he is not happy. He started seeing her with the understanding that they would split up in March. She is joining the military and shipping out then. He says he is not happy with her talking all the time, being a bore and a non-exsistant sex life. He wants to keep it going with her to keep from rocking the boat (so to speak). He doesn't want any trouble at work.

I believe him, but feel crazy for going through this. I love him deeply and would do ANYTHING for him. Am I out of my mind? Might you kindly offer any insight?



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I love him deeply and would do ANYTHING for him.

Then waiting three months doesn't sound like such a big deal. Best not to rock the boat, don't you think?

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Then waiting three months doesn't sound like such a big deal. Best not to rock the boat, don't you think?


Have you ever felt blinded by love? I was thinking I might have blinders on and thought maybe someone looking in might call BS...?

Thanks :)

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and thought maybe someone looking in might call BS...?

I smell something... manure-y. But it could be nothing. Are you back in your mind, yet?

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I smell something... manure-y. But it could be nothing. Are you back in your mind, yet?

:D I like you. Your comments make me smile. I don't think I am back in my mind yet. Guess I will find out come March....? ;)

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:D I like you. Your comments make me smile. I don't think I am back in my mind yet. Guess I will find out come March....? ;)

Well, we can always screw each other silly until then (with the understanding that we will split up in March). I hope I'm not being too forward.


Anyway, sorry if I scared away the sensible people. Maybe they'll come back.

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Well, we can always screw each other silly until then (with the understanding that we will split up in March). I hope I'm not being too forward.


Anyway, sorry if I scared away the sensible people. Maybe they'll come back.


Yes! Let's hump each other silly till then. That is exactly what I was looking for. ;)

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Well, we can always screw each other silly until then (with the understanding that we will split up in March). I hope I'm not being too forward.


Anyway, sorry if I scared away the sensible people. Maybe they'll come back.


Yes! Let's hump each other silly till then. That is exactly what I was looking for. ;)


Well, well, well, another loveshack problem solved in record time.


Isn't this place great? (Still haven't seen anybody sensible....:p)

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The sensible answer was magichands first response.


Motor35, if you've waited this long then I don't see what why another few months should matter. Just because you decided to forgive, forget & declare your love, it doesn't stand to reason that he was going to be willing, ready & able to abide.


Must say though, that March shipping out date is rather convenient.


He doesn't want any trouble at work.

Then he shouldn't have slept with the bosses niece.

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Motor35, if you've waited this long then I don't see what why another few months should matter. Just because you decided to forgive, forget & declare your love, it doesn't stand to reason that he was going to be willing, ready & able to abide.


Must say though, that March shipping out date is rather convenient.


He doesn't want any trouble at work.

Then he shouldn't have slept with the bosses niece.

Great advice, as usual. This is one best taken real slowly.

Well, well, well, another loveshack problem solved in record time.


Isn't this place great? (Still haven't seen anybody sensible....:p)

You've got to give a little, to get a little. I see you still haven't uncrossed your legs, yet.

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I see you still haven't uncrossed your legs, yet.


Where were you? I did the whole Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct" uncross and recross thing.


Maybe the moderators deleted it....

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Where were you? I did the whole Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct" uncross and recross thing.


Maybe the moderators deleted it....

Pangs, pangs, and more pangs.


The moderators are officially off my Christmas card list. Oh well, I'll camp out here and keep everything peeled. Maybe I'll try and recruit an undercover :bunny: or two.

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You should not have allowed this man to suck you back into his web.


The whole thing sounds like a drag, just call a spade a spade and forget about this guy.

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You should not have allowed this man to suck you back into his web.


The whole thing sounds like a drag, just call a spade a spade and forget about this guy.

There doesn't seem to be much respect, does there? From his side, I mean.


Putting up with crumbs of affection is better than nothing I guess. But some pigeons don't really have a lot of self-respect.

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Indeed, he cheats on her they break up, he calls her back and promises her a host of things if she comes back, she return, then he says "uhm well im kind of seeing the boss' niece and I cant break up with her though im not happy as it would cause to many problems at work"


So why did he call her to continue the relationship then?


He should have called you after the noss' niece was out of the picture.


So technically your ex who cheated on you previously has now cheated on his new girlfriend with you.


Get rid of this guy.

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