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Hi all, just like to ask you all something. My g/f of 5mths broke it off with me just recently, of course I was sad and hurt. The thing is, we still keep in touch, and we are not just friends, we were something more then that...ok, we still have sex, but not on a couple basis, more like a friend friend basis when I asked her.


I have confused feelings inside me, I don't know whether it is joy or sorrow, she told me that she didn't wanted to be tied up to a boyfriend, and she wants to go out with whomever she likes...pls don't get me wrong, she is not loose. Hope to hear something from you all.



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Usually it is the guy's idea to date other people but still remain **** buddies.


You just have to decide if you would rather continue to have contact with her..... if you can stand to settle for this type of relationship when you really want more. Me, personally, I have never been able to do it.


You will always wonder where she is, who she is with, if she is closer with them than with you, etc.....


That is my take.........


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It sounds to me like you need to break it off because she means something to you. If you meant the same to her she wouldn't want you to see other people.


By having sex with her your getting emotionally involved. Tell her that. Tell her thats your reason to break off contact.

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Sometimes just telling them isn't enough. She knows how much she means to you, and she can try her hardest to make you go along with it. Just stay strong and firm.

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ally: I dont really get it when you say "She knows how much she means to you, and she can try her hardest to make you go along with it. Just stay strong and firm." She knows how much she means to me..no doubt about that, but it seems like she already 'take it' that I have already treated her no more then friends...but seriously speaking, can friends get so intimate? Thats why I have confused feelings inside me...the thought of asking her to disappear, or rather i disappear from her life has been running thru my head, but I just dont seem to have the courage to do so..... :(


I still like her, but i really cant stand her looking up her ex, or vice versa...what should I do? I told her just before we broke up that i cant be friends with her coz I still have feelings, yet now I'm doin it...or rather I'm bluffing myself that I'm with her again as if nothing has happened.



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However, don't allow yourself to be available for her for sex. This is where the pain & confusion will be born. Continuing sexual relations with her will not let your pain heal or your confusion become clear.


Remaining friends is fine. I did it and so can you. There are no guarantees that you wont ever desire her sexually. In fact it may make the desire for each other that much more intense.

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im sorry to hear what your going through..i know it might be hard to break from her Jonarsh, but in my opinion that might be the best thing right now.. i went through that not to long ago with this guy who wanted to only be friends but have his cake and eat it to, and it tore me up..i eventually realized that i am more better of a person to be with someone who respects me as well as themselves..i know it hurts but move on, and dont sleep with her for that makes it more harder for you..everything happens for a reason

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