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Falling For The Wrong Guy

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LilMiss Intimidation

Hey everyone,


So here's my situation. I really like this guy but he has a girlfriend. They've been going out for a few years and he doesn't seem to be marrying her anytime soon. They see eachother a couple times a week and he says that's enough for him.


We flirt a little bit. I always notice him looking at me. We stare at eachother for what seems like forever. A few people have noticed that there is something there between us.


I keep my distance because I know he has a girlfriend, but I still have a huge crush on this guy. I am wicked shy with guys I'm interested in (which is a good thing in this case) so I'm not myself with him. I'm holding back because well, I guess because I don't want to get too close to him. (I do but can't) Then part of me thinks I should because maybe, just maybe he is interested in me.


I don't know what to do, and it sucks! lol What if he is interested but doesn't want to hurt his girlfriend. The right thing to do would be to forget about him because he is already take but, I can't.


?? Help please, lol.

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Yup, even if you steal him then you have to deal with his feelings for her ex and that takes time to overcome. Better find someone single and w/o drama.

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Lets say you act on your feelings with this guy while he's with his g/f. Ok, you guys hit it off and are now dating and end up together.


Now do you really want a sleezy guy that will do the same to you? If he cheats on her or crosses the line with you while with her, he's no good and you don't want him anyways. Find a single guy that can devote a clean slate to a relationship. Be classy, not sassy! :D

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