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She Cheated on me, to the worst degree.

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I know it is probably hard for you to let go- you thought this girl was something she's not, you had a totally different picture of her in your head. You are in love with this person you thought her to be- not who she actually is. I know it is difficult to let go because you think you love her. You've found out all this new information that just doesn't fit with who you thought she was and that is hard to take in. However this girl doesn't have once ounce of love or respect for you. The only person she cares about is herself. You are going to be miserable if you stay with her because no matter what she says she WILL do this again. It wasn't a one night stand that could be considered a mistake. This was a long drawn out deception that she happily enjoyed. She is only sorry that she got caught. You will also be miserable if you leave her- you will miss her, mourn the good times you had, you'll experience anger and probably depression over the loss.But you will get over her and since you sound like a good guy I'm sure you will find someone else- someone who will treat you right. I know that doesnt help you much right now but if you end it your misery will be over much sooner than the pain you'll endure if you stay with her.

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