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You Know I Just Don't Understand How...


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A man can justify everything he does. For one the guy im dating FWB I guess has spent every waking moment and sleeping moment with me for the past say 9 days. He says he loves me the night before last. I didnt even hear him and said huh? And he repeated it again which was a shock to me. I truly love this man with all my heart.


Well he tells me last night that he needs his space blah blah blah. So Im like cool cool no problem, I need some myself. Well he tells me to call him after I got off work so I could swing by for a minute before we call it a night. Well I call him and his phone is off and guess where he is at the freaking motel with some turck driver whore. She has no front teeth shes 55 years old and she is a fugly thing too. I can't believe him. He knows Im going to check to see if hes there and he goes there anyway.


He and I were like so stuck together these past 9 days and he was so sweet to me. Why would a guy f*** with a girls heart like that. Why? I feel like Im going to lose my mind. We talked about the past problems we had and how we want to get our sh*t together and stuff. He is wrong for this. Or am I? We are FWB but I don't know. Why tell someone at a very intimate moment that you love them yet go and sleep with someone else??

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