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I recently moved in with a man who had his 35 yr old daughter living with him. What a disaster. My 15 yr old and myself were never so out of place in our lives. When he wasn't home, she treated us terribly. I could do nothing right, even to the point that after washing the dishes, she would restack them right in front of me. Anyway I moved out. She has lived with him for 3 yrs. I loved this man more then anyone, but he put her in front of me, by telling me she needs more time to get on her feet. I should move on shouldn't I? I dont' want to come between whatever he feels he is trying to make up for, but this woman is an alcoholic, nasty and abusive. Such a shame. :( Any advice other then what I already know?

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If his daughter isn't on her feet in 3 years she may never get herself together but if he loves you as much as you say you love him and if you don't want to break it off with him, how about you two sitting down and making a time line for her to get out of his home. If you think that isn't going to work, then it's time to move on. And good for you taking charge of you and your son's life by moving out until (if ever) your man can get his business straight.



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Speaking for myself, I wouldn't have moved in in the first place. Haven't you ever heard that two grown (straight) women cannot, I repeat, CANNOT live under the same roof?


It rarely works out.

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Don't move in with him until she has moved out. Keep dating if you still love him and want him in your life, but definately LEAVE. It's not a healthy situation for your 15 year old to be around, especially if you have a choice here to stay or move out.

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I meant, don't move BACK in with him until his 35 year old daughter has moved out. I know the OP isn't living there now.

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Guess I misunderstand you, sorry. You wrote "definately LEAVE" and that led me to believe that you didn't know that she already left.

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My mind is abit foggy today anyway, so who knows why I wrote that down. I read that she wasn't there, so I don't know why I wrote what I did.

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It's ok...we all have those foggy mind days.;)


So I wonder what happened to the OP? What are you going to do, Dee?

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