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My girlfriend has feelings for another guy...

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me problems because she had a trust issue with guys and she didnt want to get hurt again. But I've done nothing to make her think I'd hurt her or break her heart and I'm the first guy she's ever completely trusted.


But the one problem we've always had was about this guy she goes to school with. She liked himlast year before we were going out and nothing came of it because he was with someone else, so she got over him. But this year they started talking again and he liked her and wanted her to be with him. They kept talking and he eventually tried to kiss her even though he knew she had a boyfriend. The more they talked, she started to like him too and I was getting uncomfortable with it because I knew he had other things on his mind. We had some big fights about him and she eventually stopped talking to him because he was ruining our relationship. And he acted like a jerk about it too and spread rumors about her just because she didnt want to be with him.


Well about a week ago she went on a ski trip with her school and he was there. He apologized for everything and she accepted and they were friends again. During that time I got mad over a stupid thing that I shouldnt have gotten mad over, and took it out on her because she was the only person i talked to so she got mad at me and barely talked to me the rest of the weekend. The entire time she was away, she spent with him and she likes him a lot now, and he still wants to get her away from me. When she got back, she told me everything that happened and that she was very confused about what to do. So I tried to reassure her of everything we had and of what we've been through. After a few days, she told me that she didnt want to lose me because I was different from all the other guys who hurt her in the past. So she chose me, but she said she wasnt ready to tell the other guy yet because she doesnt want to hurt him and doesnt want anyone mad at her.


I love her very much and I know she loves me, this is very hard between us right now because she'd gotten so used to being around him all the time in school lately that it feels weird between us. We've spoken on the subjec many times and she knows that the way to make everything better would be to stop talking to him so that her feelings for him will go away, but when I tell her that she gets mad at me because she says I'm trying to rush her. She's depressed all the time now and she crys a lot. I dont want her to go through any of this pain anymore because I feel it too. Just knowing that she feels like this everyday makes me feel horrible also.


I dont know what to do anymore. I love her so much and I dont want to lose her, but I cant take her being depressed anymore. She knows how to solve the problem, but she doesnt want to stop talking to him.


Any suggestions on what I or she could do?

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You should leave her alone and worry about finishing High School.


So she chose me, but she said she wasnt ready to tell the other guy yet because she doesnt want to hurt him and doesnt want anyone mad at her.


I don't think she picked you; seems to me she's still undecided.


Again, if I were you; I'd just give up on her. She's not to be trusted, young, and nieve.

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Flyin in Clouds
.... So she chose me, but she said she wasnt ready to tell the other guy yet because she doesnt want to hurt him and doesnt want anyone mad at her.


no, no, no dude. Her choosing you means she'd be wiling to cut the other guy's heart out to please you.


She not willing to hurt him, but she's willing to go on causing you pain? She's going to hurt somebody, you or him. She needs to decide.

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Salicious Crumb

Don't waste your time with her. Move on to someone who is in to you only.


And I have to laugh when someone says they are "confused". She just can't make up her mind.


So make it up for her...let the other guy have her. I mean really, she spent a whole weekend with the guy. Thats unacceptable.


Move on and find someone worthy. You are young and life is too short to be playing games with someone whose heart doesn't completely belong to you.

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I agree to "Salicious",you should leave her and try to find another friend who just love to you only,as she is not more trust able person now.

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