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Men,lend me a hand..


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Okay guys, my boyfriend told me what he wants for Christmas. He wants me to take him on an extravagant date. Planned by me.. what can i do? What would really make him happy? Any ideas would be great because i'm totally lost here. All i've ever gotten from guys was 'dinner, movie,coffee'. So... if your girl could was to take you on your dream date- what would it entail? Let's hear it guys! Dream dates!

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Okay guys, my boyfriend told me what he wants for Christmas. He wants me to take him on an extravagant date. Planned by me.. what can i do? What would really make him happy? Any ideas would be great because i'm totally lost here. All i've ever gotten from guys was 'dinner, movie,coffee'. So... if your girl could was to take you on your dream date- what would it entail? Let's hear it guys! Dream dates!

Hmmm...dream date...that would be something else. =) Let's see...movies? Eh. Dinner? Eh again. Use your imagination. Do something original. He's putting alot of, I'm sure, unintentional pressure on you by asking you to take him on his dream date huh? Don't think of it like that. You may have to do something that you hate but he loves. Treat him like he's god for a day. I'm sure he would love that... I know I would. I don't mean any strange perverted things (unless that's your cup of tea) but show him all the appreciation you've had for everything he has done for you. A man's dream date is one he is in control of. If he wants it planned by you then take everything he likes and make something unique of it. The best date I've ever been on was so simple it absolutely blew my mind. I love music and I always wrote songs for my girlfriend about how much I loved her. So one night she told me she wanted to go on a picnic out to the property I own in the woods, and said she wanted me to play some songs for her. We went out and ate the meal she had fixed for us (both our favorite foods) and here it seems she had one of my friends teach her how to play a guitar to the song we shared our first kiss to... and she knows nothing about guitars let alone how to play them. But she learned the song for me, and she sang the whole thing to me. Believe me it wasn't perfect but who cares? The point is she took something I loved that she hated and did it anyway to please me. It was the best night of my life.

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I'm not a guy...but my boyfriend asked me to do the same thing. I ended up stocking his fridge with all his fav foods, getting some massage oil, candles. We waited unitl all his roommates left for the weekend. I did a little strip tease, you know what followed, and we spent the whole weekend together, occassionally stopping to eat some delicious food. It was great fun! (But very exhausting!)

Okay guys, my boyfriend told me what he wants for Christmas. He wants me to take him on an extravagant date. Planned by me.. what can i do? What would really make him happy? Any ideas would be great because i'm totally lost here. All i've ever gotten from guys was 'dinner, movie,coffee'. So... if your girl could was to take you on your dream date- what would it entail? Let's hear it guys! Dream dates!
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I like Cici's idea.


Okay guys, my boyfriend told me what he wants for Christmas. He wants me to take him on an extravagant date. Planned by me.. what can i do? What would really make him happy? Any ideas would be great because i'm totally lost here. All i've ever gotten from guys was 'dinner, movie,coffee'. So... if your girl could was to take you on your dream date- what would it entail? Let's hear it guys! Dream dates!
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