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dude - where's my car

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ok. u have to tell me how u are doing this - lol

plus, i think i have discovered something about how u see me at times - for example - the car. when i curse or talk to myself, it probably sounds like i am upset, but i am not, so i think i need to re-examine that and just change the script. i thouhgt miissing my car was funny - mainly because i go from the tonka to bank sometimes 5 times a day so i can talk with u.


stuck in traffic is the same thing - so, i will change that pattern


btw, seeing that u know and see all, i admit i have been a slob lately and neglecting things but finding u and hearing what's going on is more impoatrnt to me right now


so, its not like i have become a slob - just focussing on what i want to do right now - find u, check health, plan future slowly, hug and kiss u softly


what happened to going for the haircut


if u can access my cell phone images i took some pix for u - one without my shirt on to show u that even tho i have neglected my body i am still freaking buff

and some pix of u and me



i started with the feelings in the dream. "How did you feel when you couldn’t find your car?"


"I felt frustrated, and as I walked up and down the blocks the more my frustration built."


I suggested, "This sounds like a story about not being able to find something that you know is there. Is it about getting something back that belongs to you? Something lost?"


"Yes! And also there is an element of responsibility, particularly because I knew where I parked it and then I couldn't find it!"


"What's going on in your life where you feel like you lost something and you used to know where it was but now you can’t find it?"


"I know exactly what gives me that feeling. I recently got a Masters in social work, and now I'm counselling troubled teens. But I'm getting more and more frustrated with my job. The pressure is incredible. Even worse, I don't feel sure about my own safety or my family's anymore!"


David reflected, "The thing is, I used to be so sure about this choice of career. It was like I knew exactly where I was parked! But now I'm feeling lost. Like I lost that sense of certainty, and I don't know where to find it. It's just like I'm walking up and down blocks searching for my car, like in the dream."


The solution

What can David do? We went back to his feelings in the dream. He said he felt increasingly frustrated and upset, but also responsible. He was the one who lost his car.


This is good news. David has the power and responsibility to change his situation to find more satisfactory work in his chosen field. Even the negative feelings in the dream have a strength to offer him. His frustration gives rise to the emotion he needs to move forward toward the goal. It is just a question of going back to where "he parked his car" -- his original sense of certainty with social work -- and driving forward to a new destination.

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