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In Need Of Advice!


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Me and my boyfriend have been togather for over a year now but lately it has been weird between us. I mean all we do is agrue anymore I feel so distance from him (if that makes sense) I use to feel so close to him. And lately everything seems to come before me in his life and it really hurts because I care about him so much. I dont want to break up but i dont know what to do.. i dont know if i should talk to him or just give it a break..... what should i do?

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I've been going through a similar situation with my g/f of 14 months. The only difference (and you didn't mention), is that my g/f communicated with me regarding the problems and issues she was going through.


You should talk to him and ask him if there are problems in his life right now. He might be going through something that he just might not want to tell you for whatever reason. Talk to him and tell him how you feel. There might be a lot of reasons for him pushing you away. Work, school, friends, family, his relationship with you, and finances are a few. you need to talk to him.


I felt the same way a couple of months ago when my g/f's attitude changed towards alot of things. I found out from her that her mother was sick, she didn't know if she was going to get a job she was promised, and just wanted to spend more time by herself instead of with me or anyone. So we agreed upon just to take a step back from our relationship and just go day by day. We still make sure to have a day just for the two of us. Everything is not like before but we're working on it.


I hope this helped a little. I wish you two good luck.

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you are drifting apart.


try to find out what the root of the problem is, and then take care of it.


if you really want him then talk...if you don't...let it go.

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