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Need advice on disappearing boyfriend

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Hi Everyone,


Please tell me, what are the chances of me and my boyfriend getting back together.....Saw each other for one year, going strong right till the end.....Had great chemistry together. Then he just bailed...told me he did not want to be exclusive anymore, but still wanted to date me, ect. I said no way. It hurt to say no and let him go. Such good times together. Never heard from him again. It has been 6 weeks. I won't call him. He gave me no reasons for the split, just kept on saying he didn't know why, and it pissed me off that he treated me like he was dating me for a month. We had incredible sex, good times together, and neither of us put pressure on the other (relationship pressure), and that was something we both wanted and enjoyed in our relationship. He did tell me how he enjoyed "us", but wanted his independence. We only saw each other twice a week due to our kids schedules, but talked regularly. Do you think he will miss me and eventually call? I hate this!!!

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Girl, call him if you want to get back together. But I say, he was being an ass and you don't need to deal with that. Who does that? Who just all of a sudden says "bye"? Obviously he's going through something, but he treated you awfully at the end. Since he wasn't and obviously isn't willing to communicate, there's really nothing you can do.

Hi Everyone, Please tell me, what are the chances of me and my boyfriend getting back together.....Saw each other for one year, going strong right till the end.....Had great chemistry together. Then he just bailed...told me he did not want to be exclusive anymore, but still wanted to date me, ect. I said no way. It hurt to say no and let him go. Such good times together. Never heard from him again. It has been 6 weeks. I won't call him. He gave me no reasons for the split, just kept on saying he didn't know why, and it pissed me off that he treated me like he was dating me for a month. We had incredible sex, good times together, and neither of us put pressure on the other (relationship pressure), and that was something we both wanted and enjoyed in our relationship. He did tell me how he enjoyed "us", but wanted his independence. We only saw each other twice a week due to our kids schedules, but talked regularly. Do you think he will miss me and eventually call? I hate this!!!
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