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In love with a married man


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Yea, so I am not the first woman that has ever been in these shoes. I met a man almost three years ago and thought we could just remain friends while having lunch and talking about our lives. A year later, things turned into a full fledged affair, I am a single mom and this man helped me out financially. The more time I spent with him, the more I came to like him.


Even before we were intimate, I asked him to get a divorce from his wife. He complained about her all the time and said she was lazy and emotionally disturbed. Well to this day, he hasn't left her. He has buried himself up to his eyeballs with everything at work and has continued to take two promotions on top of his stressors at hom. I have had conversations with this man's wife. I think she if off balance, but he still stays.


I was so sure he loved me as much as he said he did until I found out I was expecting. His solution, was an abortion, and I did it. I have a beautiful little girl and to know that I will never get to see my angel grow up, it is tearing me up inside. I am not sure what he is going through. He said it would help if we took a break from one another. He said he would try to end his relationship.


I am not really going any where with this. I just wanted to thank all the women that have posted before on the fact that once a cheater always a cheater and the fact that they rarely leave there wives and then, the percentages of a happy marriage are 5 percent. This is not promising information. I am going to reevalute my situation and pretty much tell him to go to hell.

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