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I need validation

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I have a b/f. I love him and he loves me. However, I have issues and as a result I find myself needing validation outside of the relationship. I flirt with other men, and this has led to some complicated situations. I am on such a high when I am receiving male attention. Then I feel guilty and nauseous and vow never to do it again... I havent had sex with anyone else but I know I am still being unfaithfull. If I go out and dont receive male attention, I feel ugly and worthless.




I dont want this anymore! I love my b/f but I will lose him if I cant sort myself out. Can anyone give me advice? Does anyone understand?

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First, put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel if he was out flirting with every girl in sight because he was attention hungry?


Here's a solution:

Why don't you go out with him, instead of with your girls and if you must go out with your girls, invite him along each time. If he really cares about you then he'll work with you in solving this problem.

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