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Hugs For Carbine

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As Inept An Attempt This Is As It Is The Internet...i And Others Can't Reach You In A Physical Sense To Hug You And Give You And Help You Find Your Inner Strength To Take One More Step Each Day...but Here It Goes.


Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs!!!!!!!



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As Inept An Attempt This Is As It Is The Internet...i And Others Can't Reach You In A Physical Sense To Hug You And Give You And Help You Find Your Inner Strength To Take One More Step Each Day...but Here It Goes.


Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs!!!!!!!




I second this motion...MORE AND MORE HUGS!!!!:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

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the love shack is a little old place where we can get together!! Loveshack baby!!!


Singing and laughing are huge healers of pain (and if you could hear me singing you WOULD be laughing!!), all suck in a breath and send out big smiles and hugs to Carbine and to each other as we all hurt in our own ways. No-one is an island and none of us can get throughl ife alone, we are all people and we all need people.

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