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I'm a bit confused.

I like this guy whom I see in some of my classes, but we're not great friends or anything. We've taked a few times, but I can't tell if he's interested in me or not. I can't say he's helping much, either.


For instance, he'll come and sit next to me in class where he could sit anywhere else with his friends (it's a class I sometimes substitute for my regulars, so he's the only one I know there, while he has friends a-plenty in it). There was this one time he sat next to me for a few classes consecutively and we talked a lot. Then he talked to me whenever I saw him outside of class. But then there are times he won't talk to me at all.


He'll be talkative on day and start conversations, then say nothing at all the next.


Sometimes he'll stop me to talk to me, tap me on the shoulder etc., then he'll sit next to me the next day and say nothing.


Maybe he's just trying to be friendly and I'm just reading to much into things. Or maybe he has mood swings (lol)?

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wow, thats how I act to this girl in one of my classes, talk to her sometimes, sometimes I don't. I talk to her outside of classes sometimes and other times don't, but when I first met her, we use to eat lunch together and talk for hours, now, not anymore.


I personally liked her, but never made a move because I was coming out of a relationship, and didn't want her to be the rebound girl, so some days I would just play it slow, but now that winter break is gone, and I'm feeling much better, I might start to make some moves, maybe this is what that guy is doing too.

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wow, thats how I act to this girl in one of my classes, talk to her sometimes, sometimes I don't. I talk to her outside of classes sometimes and other times don't, but when I first met her, we use to eat lunch together and talk for hours, now, not anymore.


I personally liked her, but never made a move because I was coming out of a relationship, and didn't want her to be the rebound girl, so some days I would just play it slow, but now that winter break is gone, and I'm feeling much better, I might start to make some moves, maybe this is what that guy is doing too.


Haha. Let me tell you now, then, that the girl is not impressed and is probably confused like I am.


Thanx for the reply, though.

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