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girlfriend problems

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okay.. my girlfriend suspected that i liked one of our friends.. which i didn't. I'm too love struck over her.. and well, so she decides to get online, make a new account, add me.. and disguise herself as someone else. So i mean, I didn't know who it was at first, so i begin talking casually, then all of a sudden, she started flirting with me, and it became obvious that it was her. (We have been dating for over a year.)


She has never ever done anything like this to me before, so I was shocked.. and mad at the same time. I wanted to get back at her, so i went with it.. and she asked me if i wanted her to get on cam, and my girlfriend had got a cam at christmas, so i figured she'd get on, and be like "Ta da", and i'd tell her right then that i knew about it.. well, she eventually told me, and called me a perve, and thought i was stupid enough to want to see some other girl get naked on cam, which the only reason i went along with it was because i was sure it was her. ..


Well, we broke up.. it's been a difficult time.. and we've been pretty akward, been hanging out, it's been really weird. and it's killing me.. well just yesterday, she gets one of her friends who works with me to start hitting on me at work... i catch onto that too... i go home, call her, and i yell at her, and i told her i wasn't falling for that.. that i'm faithful to her that she shouldn't be doin' this to me.. She told me that that changed nothing, that she will never trust me...


I really don't know what i'd do without this girl in my life.. she just wants to be friends now... and i can't have that, i want more. I want to be able to hold her in my arms, and know i'm gonna' be with this girl forever... just before this argument, i had gotten her a ring.. yes, an engagment ring.. and it don't look good for us to ever be together again....


how do i regain her trust, even though i'm innocent... i don't know what to do.. i've asked her and she says nothin' will work.


Someone please help me... =(

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You chose to play a game back instead of confronting her, telling her to stop testing you...You could have told her right away that you knew it was her.


So, why doesn't she trust you? When told her you didn't like that other girl, why didn't she believe you? Has someone from her past cheated on her?


I understand that you were shocked and mad that she pretended to be someone else online, to test you. What you could have done in that moment was tell quietly pretend you didn't know it was her and say sorry, I have a girlfriend who I love deeply and goodnight, then log off. And then your girlfriend would have had a smile on her face.


All you can do now is speak from your heart, tell her what you did, and why. Give her some space, but make sure SHE KNOWS that you care for her.

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