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Does he want to be with me?


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My best friend has been giving me major heartache. I have fallen very hard for him and it is hurting me every day of my life. One minute he tells me that he wants to be with me and the next he talks about other girls that he likes. I told him how I felt about him and he just avoided me for weeks and I finally got him talking to me again. Things are better than ever but he still acts as though he wants to be with me yet he still flirts with my friends. I really do care about him a lot and I don't want to give up because there could be a chance. What should I do? Please help me!

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That just isn't right! He can't tell you that he really wants to be with you and then flirt with your friends! Do yourself a favor and either ditch this guy, or put it to him straight. Make him tell you why he does this to you. Take him somwhere private and have a long conversation with him. Thats what I would do.

My best friend has been giving me major heartache. I have fallen very hard for him and it is hurting me every day of my life. One minute he tells me that he wants to be with me and the next he talks about other girls that he likes. I told him how I felt about him and he just avoided me for weeks and I finally got him talking to me again. Things are better than ever but he still acts as though he wants to be with me yet he still flirts with my friends. I really do care about him a lot and I don't want to give up because there could be a chance. What should I do? Please help me!
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I had a friend in the exact same situation. He and a girl were very close friends. He always wanted more and she would lead him on and then start dating someone else. This happened over and over and it really messed up my friend. He wasted a lot of time and effort and love on nothing and he really resents her for it now. If he avoids you and flirts with others like this than he probably isn't interested but doesn't want to tell you. I'd find someone else. If this guy is that great he should talk to you about this seeing as how you're already let him know how you feel. But if you're going to regret not trying than go for it. Just be sure if things work out that you are very clear on the type of relationship you want.

My best friend has been giving me major heartache. I have fallen very hard for him and it is hurting me every day of my life. One minute he tells me that he wants to be with me and the next he talks about other girls that he likes. I told him how I felt about him and he just avoided me for weeks and I finally got him talking to me again. Things are better than ever but he still acts as though he wants to be with me yet he still flirts with my friends. I really do care about him a lot and I don't want to give up because there could be a chance. What should I do? Please help me!
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  • 3 weeks later...

I can totally relate to what you are going through. I went through it. You need to talk to him not only about how you feel but also how he feels. Ask him if he is doing this so that you don't move on and tell him it isn't fair. You need to live your life to and if he isn't going to "claim" you as his girlfriend then start dating. I garantee then he will come around!

I had a friend in the exact same situation. He and a girl were very close friends. He always wanted more and she would lead him on and then start dating someone else. This happened over and over and it really messed up my friend. He wasted a lot of time and effort and love on nothing and he really resents her for it now. If he avoids you and flirts with others like this than he probably isn't interested but doesn't want to tell you. I'd find someone else. If this guy is that great he should talk to you about this seeing as how you're already let him know how you feel. But if you're going to regret not trying than go for it. Just be sure if things work out that you are very clear on the type of relationship you want.


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Love really hurts.You never know what will happen, but all yo know is that you want good things to happen.I have been in love allot and all the time i get hurt it's horrible.I think you should calm down and talk to your friend tell them really how you feel,,not on the phone, not online but get them in person,take them to the movies,your house,the beach, a fancy restaraunte anything but be alone.Don't obsess or be to in love to soon,Becuase you don't know how this person is going to take this information.If you are to pressed and he thinks you should just be friends then you will be hurt, very very hurt.Just be yourself get him in person and say "I really like you,do you think theres a chance" just be yourself and calm down, theres more fish in the sea anyway. thanks -Emily

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