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Did i do thr right thing?

Passionate Lover

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Passionate Lover



Ok, Love of my life we went out a few months, she ended it for unknown reasons, but we were really close, really really. I loved her alot, anyways 3 weeks later we broke up we had'nt spoken at all or seen eachother, she talks to my freind and she asks who i fancied, he told her a girl called kirsty which i didnt really like i just spoke about moving on and how i might ask her out but im not sure if i even liked her, i was so depressed over the 3 weeks i didnt care, when my freind tells Kaylee (Love of my life) this she starts crying and says how she misses me and all the little things like how he rbed smelled of me when i left, how her pillow would be warm when i leave, when we kissed ect, she then told me then she didnt want me to start going out with this girl, even tho kaylee told me to move on with my life, ofcourse i was baffled by all this and seen a chance to regain my lover back, so i was like ok... i thought about it alot but she didnt ring me or anything for 5 days i was confused. Then 1day i just broke down with my freind (Different 1) i just let it all out, the pain was so unbearble i just wanted it to go away. my freind told me to ask this girl out the one i thought i liked, after 10 minutes i was pressured into doing it but i was a state and i just wanted the pain to go away, then when i came round and cheered up i realised i made a mistake, she said no anyways coz she was still inlove with another guy, Kaylee finds out and she isnt happy about it, i tell her it was a mistake how i was so confused and that i didnt feel anything for her, i told her that she was the 1 i wanted but she always stuck by the word "i dunno rees i really don't" (I'm Rees) at this point im crying my eyes out, i decide to do something that would be cr azy but i had to, the love i had for her was just... amamzing.



I said to her "Kaylee, look. You deserve better than me, iv hurt u, i broke a promise i dont deserve to have some1 so perfect, i told her that i wouldnt ever be able to look her in the eyes, i continued to say to her that she should forget about me and that she deserved some1 better than me, this is the hardest thing iv ever done in my entire life i was in peices but i had to, i mean she was so amazing she deserved some1 that would treat her just right, i always tried to, the only mistake i made is asking another girl out while i new she wanted me back and i wanted her back, after i said it all she didnt say anything just sat there amazed, i walked off broken apart by what i had just done.



...and now i regret it ofcourse but i know it was the right thing to do, she means so much me that i cannit let her be unhappy.


Thats the story to how my life felt like it ended, im a very mature 17 dont treat me like a kid please, iv had enough pain.


But did i do the right thing?


Thanx...i made other threads prior to all this about the falling apart and the break up. :S

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