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Love and skills


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Although I like a guy very much. I don't know how can I let him know and make him like me too. I don't have the skill of communication and after I find myself in love with him, I was very nervours when seeing him. Anyone will give me some advice on communnication skills? so bored.



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You can't MAKE someone like you. All you can do is open the door, they have to walk in. I don't know how you'd tell someone how you feel about them, besides just coming out and saying, hey I need to talk to you....sometimes I see the possibility of us being more than friends...or something. Either way, you gotta tell him....otherwise it's just mean to yourself and wrong to decieve him. Hey, and serious flirting goes a long way. If you are REALLY having problems with the whole talking thing, just grab their butt and see what happens!! LOL

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I agree with Ally that we can't make someone like us. Feelings just can't be made to order. When guys ask this question, the answer we normally get is to be sincere to the other party. In truth, this is the most we can do, especially when we know the other party does not have the same mutual admiration for ourselves. As a guy, I think we expect the same thing too - sincerity from the other party. As long as you are sincere, you have nothing to be afraid of.

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love is wonderful and tragic. there are no guarantees that who we love will love us in return. that said, we can't pretend to be someone that we are not. it just delays the inevitable...if the chemistry isn't there, it isn't there.


now, some people date knowing there's no chemistry...just so they can date. one of the two is feeling something nice and the other is so/so about it. not the makings of a great love affair.


just be you. if he likes you great...if not, you've saved yourself alot of heart ache trying to figure out "how to be". you can jump up and down on one leg, quack like a duck and do cart wheels....it isn't going to change his feelings.


i hope he returns your feelings - wouldn't that be great.

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