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A Mean

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Relationships are NOT easy....you are constantly working to improve the relationship, your intimacy level, and yourselves as people. If you have no energy, then you aren't going to have a relationship. All of that stuff in the movies and fairy tales is crap. For a couple to have a "perfect" marriage, they have to be EXCELLENT communicators with each other.



...I have a hard time chosing hair color.......and I WONDER why I can't keep up with my own love life.

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I typically read through all the posts of the day, and there are two or three people who just make me smile. You're one of them. Thanks.

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Thank you! I REALLY needed that today! All this 9/11 stuff is getting me down. I was on the air reporting the news when the first tower fell. And I just kinda stopped and said "Oh My God" And tried to figure out how in the world do you put that into words! It was a really hard day for me...took me weeks if not months, to get over. And today is just bringing back those memories...and to think that I'm going through nothing compared to most of the people touched by 9/11.

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i've been through too much in the last year. there's nothing left inside to give anyone, let alone me. I need to rest inside, for a long time. i figure in the next 6 to 12 months i'll be ready to get close (i'm just saying even emotionally) to someone. i've been too traumatized.


i feel bad for the relatives of the 9/11 victims - the media keeps replaying everything over and over. but that's why the media is the media. they keep getting it shoved in their faces over and over. i keep thinking about my initial sadness a year ago about this, my heart remembers the shock and sadness i felt when i first heard about it. i don't know if those families can ever fully heal because of the enormity and monstrosity behind the act. i wish i could take their pain away, but i can't . their pain is far worse than anyone else's pain i know right now.

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