RocketMan2 Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 She came online today asking for some more of her stuff back she forgot about. She had a really hot picture on It was one id taken of her when we were on holiday. God guys i miss her so much. I want to cry my eyes out but ive cried so much theres none left. I just want to be sick, in fact i think im going to be. Tell me I dont need her. ((((((((( Link to post Share on other sites
guin_girl Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Hang in there... stay strong. It's hard, I know... Link to post Share on other sites
upsetnhurt Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Rocketman, You still have not answer me as to what it is about her that makes her so special to you? Is it that she would rather make the effort to meet someone new than to invest time working out things with you? Is it that she places her priorities above yours all the time? Is it that she does not care how hurt you are? What pray tell is it? How long did you date? DId you survive before her? Have you dated in the past? Cmon man! Wake up and realize it is her loss....... Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 You need to boot her form your contact list. Why is she still there... Boot her right now... and block her... DO IT! Link to post Share on other sites
princessa Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Dude NC is NC, that includes avoiding them in person, on the phone, AND ON MSN! Cmon man be strong.. on.... block. Link to post Share on other sites
Author RocketMan2 Posted January 17, 2007 Author Share Posted January 17, 2007 You need to boot her form your contact list. Why is she still there... Boot her right now... and block her... DO IT! Done! Rocketman, You still have not answer me as to what it is about her that makes her so special to you? Yeah I didnt reply before because i felt a bit of a tit lol. I knew i thought she was special, but couldnt come up with a single reason why. You're right, there isnt anything so special about her AT ALL. THATS RIGHT I DONT THINK SHES SPECIAL!!!! YAY I CAN FINALLY ADMIT IT!!! Is it that she would rather make the effort to meet someone new than to invest time working out things with you?Annoying as hell, yes Is it that she places her priorities above yours all the time?I HATE HER Is it that she does not care how hurt you are?She doesnt even realise, let alone care Cmon man! Wake up and realize it is her loss.......I know it is. Nice one mate, Thanks for sticking by me Im sure ill be back with future relapses, but for now, feeling good! When she does try to talk to me again (she will) whats the best way to tell her to stop it? I know ill break if i dont have a script ready. I just want to be firm, polite, not seem too upset, but not seem like i dont care.... hmm Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 So now I hope you have given her back all her stuff. Now here is the next thing you should think about doing. Erase her number from you mobile phone. Don't think about it... Just do it. Link to post Share on other sites
princessa Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Don't erase her number otherwise you won't be able to screen your call and you will pick up accidentally if she calls! Link to post Share on other sites
Author RocketMan2 Posted January 17, 2007 Author Share Posted January 17, 2007 Don't erase her number otherwise you won't be able to screen your call and you will pick up accidentally if she calls! Nah, ive renamed it to "zzz" so its at the bottom and i dont have to see it when i scroll my contacts cunning eh? Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Well ok that is more or less what I meant... Link to post Share on other sites
Author RocketMan2 Posted January 17, 2007 Author Share Posted January 17, 2007 Done! When she does try to talk to me again (she will) whats the best way to tell her to stop it? I know ill break if i dont have a script ready. I just want to be firm, polite, not seem too upset, but not seem like i dont care.... hmm Any ideas on this one people? Thanks for all the help by the way, you guys rock! Link to post Share on other sites
norajane Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 When she does try to talk to me again (she will) whats the best way to tell her to stop it? I know ill break if i dont have a script ready. I just want to be firm, polite, not seem too upset, but not seem like i dont care.... hmm How is she going to try to talk to you if you have blocked her on MSN, you aren't taking her calls, and you aren't reading her emails? She can't. There isn't anything you have to say, either firmly or politely or otherwise. Don't say anything at all, don't respond in any way. No conversation of any kind. Just disappear from her life completely. Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Norajane is right, that is the point of NC. Link to post Share on other sites
CaliGuy Posted January 17, 2007 Share Posted January 17, 2007 Nah, ive renamed it to "zzz" so its at the bottom and i dont have to see it when i scroll my contacts cunning eh? Or "DO NOT ANSWER" works too. ZZZ doesn't remind you not to answer the call Link to post Share on other sites
johnnytable Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 Memorize her number and then delete it from your contact list. Why answer calls from an unknown number anyway? If it is in your list, you will know about it there and may be tempted to call it especially when drunk Not communicating is key. You don't need to know how to respond or what to say when you aren't even going to let her get to you to begin with. Link to post Share on other sites
FallenTree Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 NC is wonderful...eventually you won't care much for the person from the past. Get a new screen name, a new cell number, something - it's much better than staying in contact and continuing to get hurt. Link to post Share on other sites
guin_girl Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 Or "DO NOT ANSWER" works too. ZZZ doesn't remind you not to answer the call mine will read "nobody" calling... that reminds me not to pick it up. Link to post Share on other sites
FallenTree Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 mine will read "nobody" calling... that reminds me not to pick it up. I like that. My sister put in her phone for her ex "do not answer." Link to post Share on other sites
johnnytable Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 You could always change it to "IRS" or "Collections Agency" haha Link to post Share on other sites
Author RocketMan2 Posted January 18, 2007 Author Share Posted January 18, 2007 So now I hope you have given her back all her stuff. I havent yet, was gonna drop it off tonight. What do you think about this though.... All her stuff (apart from 1 pair of shoes) that "i have" is at my friends house, who she became friends with too. While I was still under her spell, she convinced me to collect it and drop it off to her. Thing is she couldnt remember which DVDs she'd left there. The other day when she was MSNing me she wouldnt say anything other than "just ring me when youre there and read them to me". Now I'm not speaking to her at all, so I responded with "why dont you just get the stuff yourself???". She stopped replying. While also under her spell I said Id give her the £50 that i owe her for some joint xmas pressies we got (i said we'd split the cost before she dumped me). I said i would just because i couldnt be bothered to argue any more and just wanted her to get out of my life. But is that morally right? I was her personal taxi for a year and a half, i always paid for every meal we went for, 'lent' her spending money when we went out that i never got back (but never asked for). At an estimate I'd say she had at least £2500 of my money. I know its unfair to group gifts and meals etc with loans, but im just telling you the total figure here. When she wanted my help with something a week ago, she couldnt even say please, yet as soon as she wants money (probably to go out drinking) shes all like "hey, what you upto, you ok? oh by the way...". Its the principle of it! She can be all nice when she wants my money, after ditching me with no concern for my feelings in the way she did it. I've been played I feel like taking the pair of shoes round when shes not in and telling whoever is in at her house that she can get the rest herself (easy enough, its 10 mins from her work - no excuse she cant get there) Should i accept i got played, pay up to avoid argument and just get it out the way, or stand up for myself? All my mates are telling me shes out of order. What do u think? Its not about the money, its the principle!! Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 ts too late to stand up for yourself dude... You got played and taken to the cleaners. She thinks you owe her the money so she will use that against you if you don't give it to her. I would say give her the 50 and cut her out of your life. The girl really sounds awful and immature. No decent person would dump someone and then make them pay that small amount of money that they owe. She really sounds like an awful person, do you really want her to keep hounding you for the next few weeks? Just get away from her. Leaving her crap at this friends house sounds ok. Avoid having to see her at all. Link to post Share on other sites
Author RocketMan2 Posted January 18, 2007 Author Share Posted January 18, 2007 ts too late to stand up for yourself dude... Yeah i figured She thinks you owe her the money so she will use that against you if you don't give it to her. Agreed I would say give her the 50 and cut her out of your life. The girl really sounds awful and immature. No decent person would dump someone and then make them pay that small amount of money that they owe. I agree, just needed to hear someone say it too you know? I know it seems small, but it is slightly more significant to her as shes skint, not that thats any excuse... She really sounds like an awful person, do you really want her to keep hounding you for the next few weeks?Not at all. This is the thing, i NEVER saw this side of her, its so confusing to me that she could just flip. I just had to empty my phone inbox, and i was feeling particularly strong so i thought id quickly read the old messages in case there was anything there id miss. I found the ones from the day we broke up, full of "i love you"s and kisses :s Im just interested more than anything, as to how someone could either snap, or build up such a feeling but manage to contain it so well. She must have been really messed up Do you think theres anything i could have done differently, just so i learn, you know? Just get away from her. Leaving her crap at this friends house sounds ok. Avoid having to see her at all.I have no desire to see her at all. Im not making any effort to get her stuff. I must break free from her jedi mind powers! Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 [quote=RocketMan2;1055794 Do you think theres anything i could have done differently, just so i learn, you know? 1. Dont get so involved with 18 year old girls... 2. Grow some balls. 3. Learn how to treat people with respect and boundaries most of all learn how to respect yourself and know where your boundaries are. 4. If you act like a doormat you will end up getting treated like one. Link to post Share on other sites
lorr Posted January 18, 2007 Share Posted January 18, 2007 1. Dont get so involved with 18 year old girls... 2. Grow some balls. 3. Learn how to treat people with respect and boundaries most of all learn how to respect yourself and know where your boundaries are. 4. If you act like a doormat you will end up getting treated like one. So so true! As I've said in a previous post I'm from the UK also and the typical 18 year old over here do not want to settle down so early as they normally prefer going out with their mates and dating loads of other guys until much later on. And I also agree with the above poster: Grow some balls, stop being niave and stop acting like a doormat. Women DO NOT find it attractive and appealing whatsoever. Link to post Share on other sites
Author RocketMan2 Posted January 19, 2007 Author Share Posted January 19, 2007 Hey everyone, thanks again for all the tips I need a rant, ive got to get this off my chest.... Well, I didn't drop her stuff off last night, partly because my car broke, but even if it hadn;t i dont know if i would have. She text me last night saying "are you dropping my stuff off tonigh?" then the rang me (i ignored) then she text me again saying "could you just let me know if youre coming". That one confused me because she said she was going to be out last night (why i agreed to take the stuff round then, didnt tell her that bit) and that sounded like she wanted to be in. She probably just wanted to money to go out the cow. I replied and said, "cant tonight, im busy" Then she replied saying "fine. let me know when youre planning on doing so, i need that money so try to make it sooner rahter than later please" I wrote this reply but didnt send it.. "Ill drop youre shoes off that ive got. The other stuff isnt my responsibility. All i ever was to you was a source of money wasnt it? Free taxi service, dinners and spending money when we went out. If you want to be petty on setting debts, then you owe me about 2 grand. I did everything for you and you know that. I deserve respect. All you could do was ignore me, when you promised you wouldnt do that again, when you saw how much it upset me last time. You said you understood how ignoring me hurt me. You either did it again maliciously or because you just dont care about my feelings. I dont know what i did to deserve the treatment i recieved, but im sorry for whatever it was. You have caused me so much unnecessary pain, on purpose i believe. Please dont speak to me ever again. Dont even reply to this text. Goodbye K" Wow lol. I know thats a lot there but its how I feel. Why is she being such a selfish b*tch to me? I can't believe i never saw this side of her. I feel like I have to make her realise what shes done to me. Maybe so she'll apologise, but not so she'll come back. I couldnt take her back. I have to get all this off my chest to her. You cant just cut someone out of your life without warning, reason or explaination, then come back weeks later asking for money, and talking to me like sh*t. All my mates are telling me its good to send that text, which is kinda what worked me up into writing it. I trust you LSers opinions more though I feel so mad that she is just still treating me like her doormat. Me blubbing away and bowing to her requests, "yeah ill go round my mates house and collect all your stuff and bring it to you, and money that you want". What an IDIOT. I hate myself for being such a doormat, i can see it now so clearly. I just want her to get out of my life Link to post Share on other sites
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