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He's getting married.. should I say anything?

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I have known this guy for about 2 years now. He is the most wonderful, charming, smartest human being I think I have ever met. I have been attracted to since we started talking at work, but unfortunatly he has no idea, to my knowledge, of my feelings towards him.


When he first started at my job, at first I never really was attracted to him. But every now and then I would catch him staring over at me, which of course, allowed me to show interest back at him. However, once we started talking, he mentioned his gf.. which put a damper on my wishes. So after a few months, he started asking me to go to lunch with him.. purely as friends. In the 2 years I have known him I have not ONCE made an advance, or even a subtle hint of my feelings. I respect him, and his gf so I left it alone.


About a year ago he proposed to her because after about 6 years she was pretty much threatening to leave him if he didn't. This year they are getting married. I adore this man SO much, and I am terrified of losing him has a friend. But lately I have had this crazy urge to tell him in a casual way how I feel. I really want to say something like, "your fiance is lucky to have you" or "I hope she doesn't take you for granted" but I don't know what his reaction will be. I don't want to scare him away, and I certainly don't want him to think that I am trying to break them up. I just want to throw that out there because it has been on my mind for SO long, and I need to release it. I feel like if I don't, I will regret it for a long time.


To this day, I feel in my heart that he either is attracted to me in some way, or he has feelings towards me. But then I start thinking well if he really liked me he wouldn't have proposed to her. But I can't shake that feeling. There are many little things that he does around me that makes me think otherwise. Sometimes I drive myself crazy going back and forth about it.


So anyways, do you think I should say something casually, or should I just keep my mouth shut and go on a date.. lol HELLLLLPPP!

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