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Ok well....I liek this guy...I have like dhim for a while but we have just been friends. Well we kind went out on a little date the other day. H took me to the park where we fed the ducks, he pushed me on the swings, and he carried me on his back. Throughout our entire time together he kept asking me if I was talking to anybody. I said no. But he just kept asking that. Then we went to a friends birthday party and he told me I was his date to that party. Throughtout the night he would just put his arms around my waist or aroudn me. When I was getting ready to leave his house, he left two of his other friends ot twalk me to my car, he gav eme a hug like he has never before. I t was like a 5minute hug and he asked me again if I was talking to anyone. Then he said to call him anytime and we should hang out more. Do you think he likes me and we shoudl start something? Shoudl I tell him how I feel about him? Does it sound liek he is interested?

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I think you should ask HIM if he's talking to anyone. Based on what you say, it does sound like he likes you.


Maybe wait a few days before you call him so you don't come off as too eager.


best luck, and keep us posted.

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sounds like he definitely likes you - the date sounded like he was focused on you.


call him, make sure he's not into anyone else either (or "talking to anyone else" as he put it). by you calling him you are letting him know you enjoy his company too. it sounds like you are both open and that usually means a great start!

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