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woman hater?


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This is an excerpt from a book I saw on Yahoo - no I didn't buy it, I just read the excerpts on Amazon. But I thought it was interesting enough as a conversation starter.


So.. ladies and gentlemen... True or Fals?


"Today's women have become cold, calloused, and calculating. Many look at a man as a commodity and with questions such as: What are they going to do for me? How are you going to do it for me? When are you going to do it for me? Any of theses attitudes will quickly and permanently close the door. There are women who are so fragile and sensitive that with any slip of your tongue you are history and out the door!


Many women have closed their eyes to the real world. They have developed their own little superficial world and have individually become the queen of that world. These women, in general, reject ninety-eight percent of the male population. So many of these women have become scorned witches with nothing but hatred towards the male population. "

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I can't remember who started the thread but I think "Woogle" would know; but there was a long, long thread on this not too long ago. Maybe he could help you find it if he reads this. There is and was much said on this subject. I'm hearing this more and more every day and I'm a woman btw.

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This is an excerpt from a book I saw on Yahoo - no I didn't buy it, I just read the excerpts on Amazon. But I thought it was interesting enough as a conversation starter.


So.. ladies and gentlemen... True or Fals?


"Today's women have become cold, calloused, and calculating. Many look at a man as a commodity and with questions such as: What are they going to do for me? How are you going to do it for me? When are you going to do it for me? Any of theses attitudes will quickly and permanently close the door. There are women who are so fragile and sensitive that with any slip of your tongue you are history and out the door!


Many women have closed their eyes to the real world. They have developed their own little superficial world and have individually become the queen of that world. These women, in general, reject ninety-eight percent of the male population. So many of these women have become scorned witches with nothing but hatred towards the male population. "


Whoever wrote that book sure is a woman hater. He must have been hurt in the past or something. Its alright though. Most of us men won't let a few bad experiences bring us down to the point of hating the opposite sex.

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This is 100% the truth. It is not misogyny but simple reality.


Oh brother.


This doesn't apply to all women, not even a majority of them.

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My Fair Katie
This is 100% the truth. It is not misogyny but simple reality.


I just don't understand how a married man can say that. Or any man with a mother, a sister, a daughter.


Women are NOT a monolithic group (second time I used that phrase here today, oy), YES, some are cold, some are calculating, some are calloused. Some are warm, caring, open to love.


People, women and men, are individuals, there are crap individuals in both sexes. Men who are cruel, uncaring, and looking for a trophy wife, women who are manipulative, b!tchy and looking for a sugar daddy. The door swings both ways.

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hu? did I miss the All-Women-of-the-Universe-Unite memo informing us we had to all morph into cold superficial hypersensitive bitches?


Damn. And I was having so much fun flirting with all the cute guys!

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People, women and men, are individuals, there are crap individuals in both sexes. Men who are cruel, uncaring, and looking for a trophy wife, women who are manipulative, b!tchy and looking for a sugar daddy. The door swings both ways.


Exactly. I wish that these women haters would understand this.

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I just don't understand how a married man can say that. Or any man with a mother, a sister, a daughter.


Women are NOT a monolithic group (second time I used that phrase here today, oy), YES, some are cold, some are calculating, some are calloused. Some are warm, caring, open to love.


People, women and men, are individuals, there are crap individuals in both sexes. Men who are cruel, uncaring, and looking for a trophy wife, women who are manipulative, b!tchy and looking for a sugar daddy. The door swings both ways.


Yep, this is what I was going to say, but not quite as well.:)


I think it's very unfortunate to generalize that 'many' (read: most) woman have these tendencies-because I'm pretty sure his (authors) stereotyping taints his reality. And I'm also guessing that these are the kind of women he attracts to support his theory.

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I just don't understand how a married man can say that. Or any man with a mother, a sister, a daughter.


Women are NOT a monolithic group (second time I used that phrase here today, oy), YES, some are cold, some are calculating, some are calloused. Some are warm, caring, open to love.


People, women and men, are individuals, there are crap individuals in both sexes. Men who are cruel, uncaring, and looking for a trophy wife, women who are manipulative, b!tchy and looking for a sugar daddy. The door swings both ways.


Just because I happened to find one of the exceptions doesn't mean that this doesn't apply tyo the majority of women. I am sorry but the majority of modern women bring nothing but drama to a man's life and not worth the effort. There are exceptions but this culture preaches that men are bad and women are good and most women treat men according to this view. I don't understand how any woman with a son can be a feminist but plenty are.

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This is an excerpt from a book I saw on Yahoo - no I didn't buy it, I just read the excerpts on Amazon. But I thought it was interesting enough as a conversation starter.


Why? It's been done to death. Or have you been lurking, developed some sort of man crush on Woggle and decided that now's the time to make your move?

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Why? It's been done to death. Or have you been lurking, developed some sort of man crush on Woggle and decided that now's the time to make your move?


:lmao: :lmao:

They would be a perfect match. They could sit there and tell each other just how awful that each others gender is.

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:lmao: :lmao:

They would be a perfect match. They could sit there and tell each other just how awful that each others gender is.


I was thinking they were both guys. A man-hater and a woman-hater would definitely be best matched with eachother though. In some ways, it could be a very good, loyal relationship if they exempted eachother from the general vitriol they felt for the opposite sex. Of course, it does mean that when they piss eachother off they have to find other members of the opposite sex to vent their spleen on.


Hey Woggle...how's married life treating you?

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This is an excerpt from a book I saw on Yahoo - no I didn't buy it, I just read the excerpts on Amazon. But I thought it was interesting enough as a conversation starter.


So.. ladies and gentlemen... True or Fals?


"Today's women have become cold, calloused, and calculating. Many look at a man as a commodity and with questions such as: What are they going to do for me? How are you going to do it for me? When are you going to do it for me? Any of theses attitudes will quickly and permanently close the door. There are women who are so fragile and sensitive that with any slip of your tongue you are history and out the door!


Many women have closed their eyes to the real world. They have developed their own little superficial world and have individually become the queen of that world. These women, in general, reject ninety-eight percent of the male population. So many of these women have become scorned witches with nothing but hatred towards the male population. "


In general I believe some of this is true. Just look around and you can see how superficial and self absorbed American women have become. I know that not all women are like this though, but it's very obvious many of them are. I'm actually dating a woman half my age and she is definately not any of the above, probably because she hasn't lived long enough to be corrupted by the modern independant feminist. :laugh:





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I was thinking they were both guys. A man-hater and a woman-hater would definitely be best matched with eachother though. In some ways, it could be a very good, loyal relationship if they exempted eachother from the general vitriol they felt for the opposite sex. Of course, it does mean that when they piss eachother off they have to find other members of the opposite sex to vent their spleen on.


Hey Woggle...how's married life treating you?



Yes, they are both guys.


Yes they would be loyal toward each other. I'd hate to see who the poor souls would be that they would vent on.

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Wow, I just heard this morning that 51% of women are single. Maybe with women being better educated and making more money than ever they are enjoying being single. This article says women either don't want to settle down and have children or aren't in any hurry to get married. If these statistics are true then maybe some of what you say is true.

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hardknocks: "..many of these women have become scorned witches with nothing but hatred towards the male population."


Gender hatred is like the flu -very contagious and, sometimes, deadly.


Except it keeps you *out* of a warm bed.



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I always love rash generalizations like this. It doesn't really matter if this is true for the majority of women. It is very statistically improbable that the author of this passage has met a majority of women in the world. If he hasn't met a majority of women, he can't generalize about them. Statements like this rest on the simple delusion that Women 1= Woman 2= Woman 3, etc. Same thing as racism. And this feminazi bull**** put out that all men are beasts who can think of nothing but sex.

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I do notice that manhaters tend to congregate in groups. You get a few women together and they start trashing men. Most women truly are not worth it. I live around around a large population of immigrants and the women in these families make such better partners it is not funny.

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That is so stupid. I wish people would realize who we are beyond our sex. There are Men like that and women and people think since one particular person is like that than all women have a label stamped on their head of being a b*tch. Can't people see It's not their sex that makes them like that. It is who they are as a person, a human being. blah

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I always love rash generalizations like this. It doesn't really matter if this is true for the majority of women. It is very statistically improbable that the author of this passage has met a majority of women in the world. If he hasn't met a majority of women, he can't generalize about them. Statements like this rest on the simple delusion that Women 1= Woman 2= Woman 3, etc. Same thing as racism. And this feminazi bull**** put out that all men are beasts who can think of nothing but sex.


He has just been coming across each women that posses a unattractive trait. There for, he assumes all women will be like that. blahhh

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Don't you think it's funny that "MsPixie" has noticed an increased number of men who are being duped by their women. I have noticed this too but tried to hold my breath for fear of reprisal, but it's just very evident. I'm tired of hearing the excuse that women these days are more independant than ever and they don't need men, that is a cop out.


If you commit to a relationship, and break that commitment with the lame excuse of I don't need a man/woman then accept you are part of the problem. Every since I have been away from my EX, it seems that many of the women I've dated had a boyfriend/wife and don't tell me about it until I find out. What's up with that? I think they are out looking for something better all the time.


I think there is a real issue with women and commitment these days, and were seeing the problem increase exponentially. Perhaps everyone is just realizing how un-monogamous we are, and it's creating confusion with our society.The other posters are right though, we can't keep blaming the other gender but instead maybe we will realize that the issue lies deeper rooted than just being gender specific, perhaps we are going back to our ancestral way of behaviour.



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