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I've known my boyfriend for about 3yrs and we recently started going out this year.We used to be such close friends b'4 we beacme lovers.We had a long distance relationship but all of a sudden he stopped callin and whenever i did he would always tell he didn't have anything to say but his behavior really hurt me.


He told me he wanted to build to build a life with me and that i was the one for him and i believed him because i felt the same way too.Anyway I broke it off because he wasn't bein fair.He stopped calling and never came to visit he always told me it was all due to th fact that he had to go to work and to school and it hurt me becaus i was the one doin it all even though i have 2 jobs and i'm a full time college student but i still had time for him.


I thought i was doing the right thing by breakin it off with him completely but now i feel empty.i feel like a part of me is missin.We recently started talkin but he said he didn't want to be friends with me no more because he was afraid that his feelings for me would come back and that will mess up the relationship with whoever we start to go out with.i feel so empty and he recently said it was no use being friends again since the relationship didn't work out.


Did i do the right thing i want him back so bad. i love him so much but he told me he's not in lone with me anymore.I'm tryin to play it kuul but it's not working for me so pls advice me on what to do

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We can wish, dream and deny away the facts-but ultimately actions speak louder than words.


And his actions speak loud and clear. When someone wants you NOTHING stands in their way and they will make huge efforts to be with you.


He is not worth it. Be patient and wait for somebody who will adore you. What you feel is missing is not this guy who is not worthy of you. You miss the feeling of having someone to love and be loved.


Just be patient. Imagine someone better out there who is dreaming of meeting someone like you. Isn't that more exciting than wanting some guy from the past who decided to just ignore you all of a sudden?

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Did i do the right thing i want him back so bad. i love him so much but he told me he's not in lone with me anymore.I'm tryin to play it kuul but it's not working for me so pls advice me on what to do

I don't think second thoughts are unusual, even when a break-up had a firm basis like yours did. However, you need to realize those thoughts will fade with time and be strong in the interim. The fact you're missing him right now does NOT mean you have some eternal cosmic connection that you've somehow screwed up. From what you've written, it seems pretty clear you made the right decision.


He hasn't done you any favors by saying he was "afraid that his feelings for you would come back," because this has obviously given you false hope that he will come back. If it hadn't, you wouldn't be so tormented by this, I'm sure. Just remember that he is the one who screwed up last time, and you were very unhappy. Hoping that he would somehow act completely differently a second time, contrary to your previous experience, is foolish. It's even more foolish to equate the pain and sorrow you're going through right now with love. You will get over him, of that I'm 100% certain, but you have to give yourself more time.

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is this: never go back and never look back. there is a reason you two are not together, let it go.


it usually works out for the best anyway. the empty feeling subsides in time.

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