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I think I love her.


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Dear friends,


It has been three days today since one of my closest friends moved away from me. I am male, and she is female, and, in a strictly platonic sense, we both love one another. However, as I am missing her, I feel that there was so much more to it; it is almost as if I have lost a part of myself. I had taken this woman for granted, this woman with whom I enjoyed a very pure love, whom I loved for her and who loved me for me. And this feeling between us is so much more comfortable than the uncertainty of past relationships and the awkwardness of melancholy infatuations. And now this beautiful lady is far away from me.


Why is it that I only discover the depths of my love for her when she is far away? I never courted her, or had a romantic relationship with her; it was almost as though that would tarnish what we had. But looking on other young women, even friends of mine, and ex-lovers, with none of them did I have the love that I had with Jessica. I do not know if she had inferred this already, or if I must tell her. I know now that she and I would be so happy together.


I am lost and discombobulated and need some serious help. If anyone out there can say something to aid or inspire me, please do. The grace of Our Lord and the comfort of Our Lady be with you all.


Yours truly,


U. Kunstler

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Situations like this are why I don't think much of the "let's not ruin the friendship" attitude. Fact is no matter what people say about friends forever it just doesn't happen. Sooner or later people go their own way, get their own life, whatever. So I don't see how letting an opportunity for happiness slip by in order to hold on to another few years of friendship is a good idea. Friends go away, which means what is important is finding the person with whom you can share lives with and grow old with. If you think you've found that person go for it. No matter what happens at least you can look back and know you tried and she just wasn't the one. That's better than not knowing whether or not you've let your shot at happiness slip by.


Dear friends, It has been three days today since one of my closest friends moved away from me. I am male, and she is female, and, in a strictly platonic sense, we both love one another. However, as I am missing her, I feel that there was so much more to it; it is almost as if I have lost a part of myself. I had taken this woman for granted, this woman with whom I enjoyed a very pure love, whom I loved for her and who loved me for me. And this feeling between us is so much more comfortable than the uncertainty of past relationships and the awkwardness of melancholy infatuations. And now this beautiful lady is far away from me. Why is it that I only discover the depths of my love for her when she is far away? I never courted her, or had a romantic relationship with her; it was almost as though that would tarnish what we had. But looking on other young women, even friends of mine, and ex-lovers, with none of them did I have the love that I had with Jessica. I do not know if she had inferred this already, or if I must tell her. I know now that she and I would be so happy together. I am lost and discombobulated and need some serious help. If anyone out there can say something to aid or inspire me, please do. The grace of Our Lord and the comfort of Our Lady be with you all. Yours truly, U. Kunstler
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I think that you should tell her how you feel. BUT, make sure those feelings are real and do not stem from missing her and then letting your mind run wild. Well, if you are sure of your feelings go for it, but shame on you for doing this now after she leaves.

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Well, my friend, in my original message, I perhaps seemed too hopeless. I am still young, not yet even 21, and have nothing really (excepting lack of money) tying me down to my home. And in the grand scheme of things, what is 1,000 miles? I can travel to see her again, and, when my wallet allows me, I will. This error is something that can with time be overcome, and I am a very patient man. Thank you very much for your wise insight, particularly the part about the fate of friendship

Situations like this are why I don't think much of the "let's not ruin the friendship" attitude. Fact is no matter what people say about friends forever it just doesn't happen. Sooner or later people go their own way, get their own life, whatever. So I don't see how letting an opportunity for happiness slip by in order to hold on to another few years of friendship is a good idea. Friends go away, which means what is important is finding the person with whom you can share lives with and grow old with. If you think you've found that person go for it. No matter what happens at least you can look back and know you tried and she just wasn't the one. That's better than not knowing whether or not you've let your shot at happiness slip by.
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