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puzzled by this text i got?

just confused

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just confused

had this brief sexual thing going on with this man, i did not work out and we parted on good terms. i got this text from him accusing me of giving his number to one of my friends, i asked him what on earth was he going on about? he said that he has only slept with 2 girls since coming to this country, and all the facts point to me, i told him that i would not do such a thing and asked him what did the texts say, and why is it relevent that we had sex? and what are these facts? he then replied sorry it must have been a prank and he believes that i wouldnt do it and he does not want to discuss it further.

i was curious, particulary as the comments must have mentioned to do with sex, and i text him saying that i deserve some kind of fuller explanation , and got no response. i waited a day then text him saying that what had probably happened is that he was bragging about his consquest to his mates, and he was to stpid to work out that it was them that was doing it BUT.........


.... i dont think that he would have done it, i was just annoyed that he refused to text me back. I am also very curious and a bit paranoid, i never gave his number to anyone, but i do have some saucy texts still stored on my phone. there is no point in me texting him again, but am wondering if i should ring him. i just want to know if the facts did point to me, and what were the text about. i dont want us to be on bad terms, but am just puzzled about it all, we are both in our late 20's and both of us are not the type to play silly pranks.


what are your opinions on this? and should i give him a call and ask him to explain further? if so how should I approach it? I am not angry just curious adn a bit paranoid.


i still have feelings for him, even though i KNOW that nothing can ever happen, he is just not that into me.


but it is just that i feel this will not help with the closure

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