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is he cheating on me, if not what is his potential to?

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i need help on this one. am a 27year old gay guy that has been going out with a 37 year old guy. The problem is in the whole two years of our relationship we've never had sex. he swears that he loves me but he just needs time to sort out his issues. he is always oogling at other guys and finds pleasure when someone flirts with him- when i react he say am extremely insecure and jealous. when we go out clubbing he prefers to caht to other people but through it all he says he loves me a lot.


There is lots of emotional attachment from my side and i sense from his as well. I once caught him on a dating site on-line and he says he said he kept an online profile just i to watch over me (as we met on a dating site). I have evidence of one of his best friend trying to hook him up with some guy but he denied his involvement in the whole thing. He's always commenting on how cute other guys are and how he perceives they are in bed. whenever i try to leave him he cries and declares how much he loves me. My questions are: do you think he lies to me? How high is his potential to cheat? Is it really that difficult for gay people to stay commitment? is he bored with me because, he's more sexually experienced than i am? I need ur help,

Totally confused

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