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Not discussing personal life at work

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Am I the only person who don't discuess their personal life at work..especially with office gossipis or in an office where all everyone does all day is talk about one another. I guess bc I don't particullaly like any of my coworkers that much, though I am nice and get along with all of them nor do I consider any of them to be friends. For example I used to have one extremely nosey male coworker. He would come over to me weekly and ask, so why are u so quiet are u having personal problems?, or so what's going on with your love life?, Who were you just on the phone with? and when I gave vague answers or just answered with a good or not so good answer he would ask why I was being secretive. Who asks someone these types of questions..especailly considering you're not a friend or anyone I'm close too. Then there's the office gossip who is obsessed with her ex bf..may I remind you they broke up 4 years ago. I hear about him on a daily basis..including her life. No one will ask but she will come in and give you every detail from when she woke up to when she went to bed. When she had sex with some guy she met she text messaged it to to others in the office and within an hr the whole office knew. I just find this behavior really odd. I mean if I'm going on a date or got in a fight with a friend I don't share it with my coworkers..but that's just me. I'll say how was ure weekend but that's about it..I don't need a blow to blow description of what you did lol. Am I wrong here?

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I blame Springer.. Big brother, reality tv.. ophrah!


Everythings public every little private detail becomes entertainment and people no longer know bounderies. Being discrete is deemed secretive and blogs and emails mean that someone in China can inspect your dirty laundry even before you do ...


I blame all modern means of communication... oh and I blame Loveshack..ah yes... my fellow shackers, we are all to BLAME!!!




ps. "Mind you own business" is a useful phrase from the olden days that might come in handy...that and a short sharp jab in the eye with your paper scissors ... works for me ...

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I also think it depends on the size of the office. There are only 6 of us here and we do share our personal lives with each other. The funny part, they are all guys, I'm the only girl... so I get to hear all about their drama... gives me a nice perspective, they are just as confused as us girls.

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Some people know how to have conversations by disclosing personal information, but IMO sometimes people disclose just TOO much personal information. I try to be vague myself, and I only go into specifics if I'm pressed.

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