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Would you sacrifice?

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Would you sacrifice a little time in your life to ensure that 2 others are happy?


Before I go any further, I would like to thank you for reading this, and for allowing me into your forum...so THANK YOU!!


What if they were asking you to upheave your life for a couple of months, and do something for them, that would ultimately affect the quality of their lives, for the better, but it is something that you arent exactly comfortable doing? Yet if you didnt do it, they would both suffer? And all of their other options are spent? You are their last resort?


Would you sacrifice a bit of your time, and happiness to make 2 others happy, and significantly raise their quality of life ten fold, and give them a healthy, wonderful start?


Its a moral issue, I know. In this world, where everyone thinks "me,me,me" and "if it doesnt immediately help you out, then forget it" and "its not your responsibility, why should you"


it is so easy to brush aside the problems of others and become immersed in self absorbtion.


When was the last time you had the opportunity to change someones life for the better, and better yet, when was the last time that you actually took that opportunity, UNSELFISHLY and did it, with no other motive than to raise someone else up out of the ashes of their existence?


SO would you? Would you sacrifice a couple of months of your time and happiness to ensure a lifetime of theirs?

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That depends on WHY you aren't comfortable doing it and to what degree you aren't comfortable. Things like this are really specific to the situation in my opinion, so maybe you could be a little more specific about your situation. For example, is doing whatever they want you to do against your peronal morals / principles? Do the benefits of doing this (in terms of moral reward) outweigh the cost for you? etc..

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I really think it depends on who these people were and their relationship to you. If they were family then the answer would be yes. But the further away they are from you then the answer would probably tend toward no.

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But the further away they are from you then the answer would probably tend toward no.


DC,What motivates you to lean towards no, the further away they are?


For example, is doing whatever they want you to do against your peronal morals / principles?


Not exactly, but emotionally, its a bit painful.


Do the benefits of doing this (in terms of moral reward) outweigh the cost for you? etc..


Far outweigh, it would be very rewarding, extremely so, by the end of it all. But going through it would be a bit of emotional turmoil

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DC,What motivates you to lean towards no, the further away they are?


By further away I'm not really referring to physical proximity but more their relationship to you.


So family is first with descending order of immediate and then inlaws etc... then friends then acquaintances (work etc...) then people in your immediate community, then city then province then country and so on. Now their actual proximity to you is irrelevant.

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These questions are way too vague to get any useful answers for your situation.


I agree. It sounds like a couple wants you to carry a child for them or something. It depends on the situation and what kind of sacrifices need to be made.


If it meant relocating or allowing them to live in my house and financially help them out for a couple months, sure, no problem (assuming they are good friends/family). But if it meant carrying a child full term, well, that carries inherent hidden baggage and emotional connections that can last the rest of your life, thus complicating the decision.


How about a little bit more detail to better assess the situation?

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