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Why do people treat me like this?

Seu Madruga

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I recently sent a post called "Don't understand" in which I said I had asked a girl out via text and she had not responded. She still hasn't responded. It was her birthday yesturday and she had a party in her house. A lot of people I know where invited, including my friends, who she has not known as long as me, and she didn't invite me.


Its really hurtful because I don't know what was it that made her invite them and not me. It's not even a 'love' thing. I just don't know why people ignore me, and its especially bad because I liked her, but she doesn't even think of me as a friend. It's not the first time. I can't even form friendships with people. Some people know each other for a week and get on really well, but I'm always on the outside, like someone stuck behind a glass screen.

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I don't know why she ignores you, but if she doesn't even invite you to her party then take a hint and stop smothering her. Just pick a new target and try again. It's alright, not everybody we like necessarily likes us back. That's just life.

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Well asking a girl out via text message is a good way to get turned down or get no response at all, can't imagine anything less personal than that. Dude dial her number and talk to her. I'm guessing if you asked her via text that she's not answering your calls either. She obviously isn't interested in dating you...maybe you should try the friend route first and see what vibes you get. But never ask a girl out by sending a text message.

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Regardless of you text messaging her, she didn't invite you to her party? Was this a " spread the word" type of party, or more of an actual invite party? It does hurt to like someone even be it friends and not be liked in returned but I guess calling woulden't hurt but the more you smother her the more she will be annoyed by you...Hey man have a party of your own!

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Avoid texting her and talk to her. Personally I find texting to be so annoying and if someone is interested in me, I rather have them speak to me either face to face or by phone but avoid doing the text thing. Get some curage and talk to her.


But you know what, don't be hurt with not being invited to her party. Maybe she can't see that your interested in being friends with her, or maybe you want to be more, but she can't see it because you TEXT instead of approaching her and talking with her. Get to know her slowly and then soon you will be the one to get invited to her parties.


Take care and hope this helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah texting a girl just isn't...ballin. Meh you have to take the downs with the ups. Life isn't always down. But next time you want to ask a girl out have the stones to do it face to face. Much more personal that way, sends a better message about you. If you have any chance of getting with her it will be through a long friendship I have a feeling. Show her the real you and why you and she would be a good match.

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Mister Foreskin

Who cares? I always get blown off. I'm never invited to any parties or anything of the sort. And you know what, I never gave a crap. So what happened? People started sticking up for me. Not in the 'I feel sorry for him' kind of way, the 'hes cool what about him' kind of way. Don't even concentrate on being accepted, concentrate on having good conversations with people around you and making them laugh.

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Sometimes you need to take a cold hard look in the mirror. you may very well be doing something that subconsciously drive people away from you.

Forget the girl she has made her wish known. At this point anything you do would drive her further away.

I am a shy man. A lot of people took it that i was cold and not friendly. I work hard to be warmer to people and try to be more out going.

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Just be yourself. Don't take this one situation so badly. Some people are party people, other people prefer one on one conversations that go deeper than the superficial. By accepting yourself, you will find that others will too.


Btw, I wouldn't bother wasting anymore time on this girl. The best way to find someone is not to look. =)

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I recently sent a post called "Don't understand" in which I said I had asked a girl out via text and she had not responded. She still hasn't responded. It was her birthday yesturday and she had a party in her house. A lot of people I know where invited, including my friends, who she has not known as long as me, and she didn't invite me.


Its really hurtful because I don't know what was it that made her invite them and not me. It's not even a 'love' thing. I just don't know why people ignore me, and its especially bad because I liked her, but she doesn't even think of me as a friend. It's not the first time. I can't even form friendships with people. Some people know each other for a week and get on really well, but I'm always on the outside, like someone stuck behind a glass screen.


Okay, first off, why don't you talk to her, or call her or some other way of communication with her then TEXT MESSAGING. Listen, ask her how her party was? But instead of messaging it, why don't you call her, or run into her and ask. The message thing is very Idon';t know, its almost like your trying to hide something or you can't talk to her any other way then that. I Could be wrong but that is my take on it. Ask her about her party and tell her that you wish that you would have went. MAybe she doesn't know that you would be interested in doing that.


Just my 2 cents/

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