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can he love me or...

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my husband said he hated me the other day. dont know how,when and how it started but he said he hated me. I love him and cant see living life without him. I dont want this divorce but he hates me. has anyone ever had this happen to them and the so came back and they started over??? I am so lost. I am crying all the time. I have gone to the divorce attonery like he asked and have got it going, well to the point I can till I come up with the rest to pay so we can get it going. I DONT want this for my daughter but he is so cold.we were together for 18 years. he is 36 and I belive he is going through a mid life crises. :(

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I can't believe he would actually use the words he hates you. That is awful, how could he hate you?

I have no words of advice but I hope you have family and people you can talk to.

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I am so sorry he said that. He didn't mean it, though. He must be going through a really selfish state of mind. I hope things get better soon... maybe focussing on your daughter is a good mind trick? One day at a time.

I have no words of advice

I thought you were deleted. I hope you don't feel too recycled.

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