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How do I put an end to this frustration?

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I'm having trouble with this girl and I'm not quite sure what to do. A long time ago (middle school years), I had a crush on this girl. Unfortunately for me, I had a couple friends who back then, were giant *********s and spread the word that I liked this girl. And they went up to this girl personally and said **** like "So-and-so wants to f*** you" ,etc. Terrible, embarrassing things for both of us.


Anyway, after middle school I left the district and went to another school. I hated it and came back to my old school district the second semester of my freshman year. Although that whole fiasco with this girl died down, she kept staring awkwardly at me. Not any expression on her face. Either that or she looks at me with her eyes squinted. I no longer had a crush on this girl but seeing her stare at me like that made me feel incredibly guilty about what had happened.


After freshman year, I heard a rumor that this girl actually wanted to get to know me. She started staring at me even more which created even more awkward situations. I eventually just decided to go talk to her to see if she really did want to get to know me (and hopefully stop the awkward staring). She was nice about it and said yes. However she first perceived it as if I was asking her out and she said she had a bf. Despite the fact I wasn't really interested in going out with her, that whole thing with the bf pretty much killed any attempt to "get to know each other". So we kind of stopped talking(for the most part).


But now its junior year and this staring thing hasn't stopped. It still gets to me the same as it did freshman year. Not to mention, this year I now have a class with her which means more awkward moments. I don't know if she's still thinking about what happened in middle school or what but its been driving me crazy. But I really want to talk to her about this to try and put an end to it. But I don't want to just make another awkward scene between the two of us.


So that's why I'm here seeking help. Based on what I posted, why do you think this girl keeps staring at me in such an awkward way? And also, how can I put an end to this without making things worse?


Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post and to those who help me out.

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