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Father, pour out Your Spirit upon this group, bless them with wisdom, knowledge and understanding...move the darkness Lord.....


Noticed I was thread jacking....soooo....started this thread


God Bless you all!!!!!!

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Father, pour out Your Spirit upon this group, bless them with wisdom, knowledge and understanding...move the darkness Lord.....


Noticed I was thread jacking....soooo....started this thread


God Bless you all!!!!!!



I pray for all my LS friends too.....


but in a world were selfishness and pride runs rampant....Gods Grace cannot reach these people unless they let go and let it in....


should add to your prayer...


"move the darkness so that they shall recieve the light of truth"

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"move the darkness so that they shall recieve the light of truth"


Ahhh, but what IS truth?

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Ahhh, but what IS truth?



The Light of Truth


To live without shame, without pride and selfishness.


To be OK with what you have and not what you dont have.


To live thru your heart and spirit (or conscience so to speak) and not focus on the desire of the body.


To know that after everything you have been thru, all the trials you endure....its OK....you are still loved.


as my sig states...


To know that the greatest things in life arent things at all....

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I pray for all my LS friends too.....


but in a world were selfishness and pride runs rampant....Gods Grace cannot reach these people unless they let go and let it in....


should add to your prayer...


"move the darkness so that they shall recieve the light of truth"


Cheers to you also! Excellent addition :D


Truth is what we all have run from at some point in our lives...some run from it their entire lives. Truth is very difficult due to the fact that one must change, and most change hurts.


In most cases, truth is in direct conflict with the flesh (self)......although, truth sets one free....truth is freedom, and freedom is Jesus.....

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Ahhh, but what IS truth?




Satan is the author of confusion…

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (1 Corinthians 14:33


For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

(James 3:16


To find truth is find Jesus.


In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; (Titus 1:2



God Bless

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None of us would know what sin was… except for the Ten Commandments.

They tell us what sin is, God convicts us of being sinners... a reminder we do know what sin is.


We have clearly been shown there is a place called Hell,

(believe it or not).

Jesus died on the cross to save us …


Who so ever believes in Him; that he was born of a virgin

and died on the cross for the sins of men and rose from the grave.

Who that calls on the Lord from his heart is saved.


What does it take to get to Jesus?


Admit that you are a sinner.

Confess unto Jesus you are a sinner and ask him to come into you life.

The free gift of salvation is there for any and all that whole heatedly confess and request Jesus come into their life.


Now what did Jesus come to save us from? …


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I think the problem is less about "getting" Jesus, and more about keeping him. People wrongly believe that if they "say the magic words," that's all they need, that repentence plays no role in salvation – i.e., they still can maintain that old sinful lifestyle and be "saved" instead of striving to keep that relationship with God as pure as they possibly can.


which is why I really don't like that phrase, "Are you saved?" It's misleading in that people don't understand the fullness of meaning, but instead think it's some kind of ace in the hole to save one's butt from eternal damnation.

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I think the problem is less about "getting" Jesus, and more about keeping him. People wrongly believe that if they "say the magic words," that's all they need, that repentence plays no role in salvation – i.e., they still can maintain that old sinful lifestyle and be "saved" instead of striving to keep that relationship with God as pure as they possibly can.


which is why I really don't like that phrase, "Are you saved?" It's misleading in that people don't understand the fullness of meaning, but instead think it's some kind of ace in the hole to save one's butt from eternal damnation.


It's all about the "heart" of the individual, the sincerity....your right, many "think" they are saved and are not....

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Also want to add to the post above is, when first coming to the heart knowledge, still had sin in my life, and still do....it's the heart....

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I think the problem is less about "getting" Jesus, and more about keeping him. People wrongly believe that if they "say the magic words," that's all they need, that repentence plays no role in salvation – i.e., they still can maintain that old sinful lifestyle and be "saved" instead of striving to keep that relationship with God as pure as they possibly can.


which is why I really don't like that phrase, "Are you saved?" It's misleading in that people don't understand the fullness of meaning, but instead think it's some kind of ace in the hole to save one's butt from eternal damnation.


You speak of a mental assent my friend not an experience of the heart.

How do we know our salvation is real or not?


Afterall The Demons the Fallen Angels Believe and tremble


James 2:19 They were there when He was there.


For Christ is from old from everlasting. Micah 5:2


But knowledge doesn’t Save anybody.

.. In Jesus day many believed on Him when they saw the Miracles that He did.....

Why Not?

What Power He Has!

But Jesus did not believe in them.

For He knew all men.


In John 2:23-24 He could see that It was just and Intellectual Ascent. Paul said I declare unto you the Gospel Jesus Knows All Men

23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.

24 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,


The Gospel How Christ died and was buried and Rose Again.

I Cor. 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand

Vs .3_4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:


I Believe. Oh Boy I Got It. Jesus died, was buried and He rose again yes...

I accept... That intellectually mentally so I’m going to Heaven!

Paul said this gospel of the Death Burial and Resurrection will... Save you ...unless you have believed in Vein.


An empty mental ascent... Ya ... I Believe George Washington lived.

.................................... Ya ... I Believe Jesus lived...Isn’t that enough.


How do we know our salvation is real or not?



When Its from the :love: heart. Not the :confused: mind.

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I John1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us..


Follow peace with all men TRY to live a HOLY LIFE.

I Peter 1: 16 because it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy.


I Thes4: 7 For God has not called us to uncleanness, but in sanctification. – HOLYNESS


A Scenario:Take two men; that say they are saved.


They both go out one night to a club; they run into a couple of women and pair off. Each man spends a few sexual hours with a woman.

They both go home.


Well one lays down and sleeps like a baby.

The other cant sleep, he is up all night long and he cries like a baby.


That is the diff.


When saved and not wanting to do the wrong thing.

A grievous heart… lets a man know he is saved.


Without a grievous heart… it’s only a mental assent to Jesus.

The man does seek forgiveness from God.


See that’s a relationship with Jesus.

It’s difficult to understand from the outside looking in.


But when you’re in it. Its like being in a marriage you do not desire to hurt your partner. You try to do all the right things. You’re not perfect but you try. And when you have wronged Jesus… you know it.


To look for perfection in any person… we will never find it with or without salvation.


To find Salvation of the Heart is to begin a relationship with Jesus.

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So well put Love Hurts....what's that saying....Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven....


I know this is way off the subject, and doesn't pertain to any of the posts on this thread, although so often I hear...."He/She is Christian and look at what he/she is doing"....since when are believers not human?


Christians on one hand are put on this perfect pedistal, and on the other are called devils....pick one...


When a Christian does something right it is ridiculed and when we fall into sin it is ridiculed...wow

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You speak of a mental assent my friend not an experience of the heart.


kind of hard to express, but it's easy for one to adopt the "I'm a sinner Jesus, save me" speech without understanding what all goes into it, you know?


an example: My BiL, a nice Baptist guy, was saved in the parking lot of Dairy Queen. Very encouraging ... until he says, "and I told the preacher that I wasn't planning on changing my ways, that I still wasn't going to do this, this or this ...." And the dang preacher tells him, "That's all right you've been saved"!!!


to me, that preacher completely let escape a teaching moment in which BiL would have been told that conversion and repentence go hand in hand ... IMO, his conversion is iffy at best, but the worst part is knowing that this guy is going to go the rest of his life believing his behavior is justified because he's "been saved."


I think that there needs to be catechesis behind the salvation prayer, because otherwise a lot of people are going to professing with the mouth, not the heart, and not know otherwise.


"He/She is Christian and look at what he/she is doing"....since when are believers not human?


while we remain sinners even as we try to strengthen our relationship with the Living God, we must remember that we are especially visible in our actions and behaviors, that we've become role models for the very faith we profess. It's very hard to believe someone is a good Christian when he says he loves Jesus but blithely goes about destroying his fellow man through his words and actions – think of the Klan, hating blacks and Catholics and Jews, all in the name of being good little lovers of Jesus ... or for that matter, think about the guys behind the Inquisition, who in their misguided belief, thought they were catechizing about God while harassing and killing the very people they wanted to see converted. Those actions make a lie of the Christian faith, and that makes people jaded towards Christians.

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When a Christian does something right it is ridiculed and when we fall into sin it is ridiculed


I think it's much easier to accept ridicule for being a believer, because Jesus tells us that to follow him would mean being subjected to scorn for this belief.


being ridiculed for falling into sin is merely reality check ... if you're sincere in your faith, I think that ridicule makes you strive harder to be a better person.

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You speak of a mental assent my friend not an experience of the heart.


kind of hard to express, but it's easy for one to adopt the "I'm a sinner Jesus, save me" speech without understanding what all goes into it, you know?


an example: My BiL, a nice Baptist guy, was saved in the parking lot of Dairy Queen. Very encouraging ... until he says, "and I told the preacher that I wasn't planning on changing my ways, that I still wasn't going to do this, this or this ...." And the dang preacher tells him, "That's all right you've been saved"!!!


to me, that preacher completely let escape a teaching moment in which BiL would have been told that conversion and repentence go hand in hand ... IMO, his conversion is iffy at best, but the worst part is knowing that this guy is going to go the rest of his life believing his behavior is justified because he's "been saved."


I think that there needs to be catechesis behind the salvation prayer, because otherwise a lot of people are going to professing with the mouth, not the heart, and not know otherwise.


"He/She is Christian and look at what he/she is doing"....since when are believers not human?


while we remain sinners even as we try to strengthen our relationship with the Living God, we must remember that we are especially visible in our actions and behaviors, that we've become role models for the very faith we profess. It's very hard to believe someone is a good Christian when he says he loves Jesus but blithely goes about destroying his fellow man through his words and actions – think of the Klan, hating blacks and Catholics and Jews, all in the name of being good little lovers of Jesus ... or for that matter, think about the guys behind the Inquisition, who in their misguided belief, thought they were catechizing about God while harassing and killing the very people they wanted to see converted. Those actions make a lie of the Christian faith, and that makes people jaded towards Christians.


Once saved… Salvations being true … as not a mental assent to Jesus.

Change... you will desire nothing but; to change and you will strive to change.


Upon Salvation many are instantaneously freed from bondage of all types; physically, mentally and spiritually destructive habits or bondages.


Jesus calls us, as we are to come to Him if we had to clean ourselves up first and present ourselves and righteously worthy … we couldn’t…

None are righteous… As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: Romans 3:10


Still Jesus died for us… claiming we are worthy.


Yes as believers: we are role models… The Bible reaffirms we are role models living in flesh and blood bodies. Capable of error.


Lets look at David that slew Galiothe and grew to be a king.

A youth … to a man in Gods favor.


Yet he did sin... he had sexual relations with a another mans wife.

She became pregnant.

He tried to hide it… by having her own husband sleep with her to

create the allusion it was his (the husbands)child.


When that didn’t work..

David had him killed.


Do you see my friend… this shows us… human error… because we are of Gods and still capable of sin…


Being Gods child we are chastised

Hebrews 12:8


But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.


David was chastised. David grieved deeply; he knew his sins…

He went on to grieve through many Psalms …

We strive … we fall short and grieve… we strive again.

What marriage is perfect?

What man is perfect?

Who is righteous?



Why are we shown the failures of men in the Bible as well?

To let us know... we too will and can fail God. We are human.


God knows a mans heart...

In the end...Its not what the world calls us... it what Jesus calls us.

If you seek perfection...find Christ.

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So well put Love Hurts....what's that saying....Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven....


I know this is way off the subject, and doesn't pertain to any of the posts on this thread, although so often I hear...."He/She is Christian and look at what he/she is doing"....since when are believers not human?


Christians on one hand are put on this perfect pedistal, and on the other are called devils....pick one...


When a Christian does something right it is ridiculed and when we fall into sin it is ridiculed...wow




Men look for failure; in those that profess Christ Salvation.

They will find; what they are searching for.

The unsaved can’t see or understand is repentance of a grievous heart;

can’t see a Christians broken relationship with Christ…


Unsaved men without Christ in their hearts; cannot know what its like; to see gray skies on a clear sunny day; to have a hollow spot in the heart that nothing on earth could fill;

to seek God and He seems distant, His back seems to be turned and He seems to have walked away.


Unsaved can't know… grief of loss, shame and seeming abandonment of God… when a saved man falls into sin and leaves Jesus?

Unsaved can't know what a grievous heart in the Lord feels?


This is a relationship of the heart… with the True Living God.

To fail Him or deny Him…oh one knows it… joy is lost.

Sorrow and sadness set in. Life seems not worth the living.

And in time... after many tears; Jesus seems to say enough and you begin to rise again.


There are punishments on earth we must endure for our walking out of the word of Jesus.

We pay in many ways. For the wages of sin is death.

Here on earth and on the other side of this life we know.


Repentance renders forgiveness, and one day all is well, you have survived and God does restore a heart to a full place of Joy... and you so know you do not want to go there again.

You do not want to abandon the love of Jesus; for self or what the world offers.


Once saved; we are betrothed to Jesus; when we set out to cheat Him… we only cheat ourselves.

It’s a relationship with the True Living God… the unsaved can’t even imagine.


The world can see our faults and failures.


Jesus sees and knows a mans :love: heart.

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For the WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH… comes in many forms.

Looking over the Ten Commandments;

these are my thoughts on price paid for sin.


We may imagine that we pay later for sins of the now.

But we pay multiple times... for sin.

Here on earth; in Heaven and in Hell.

In Heaven; we shall be striped of rewards we could have had.

In Hell are degrees of punishments to serve.


Consider you shall have no other Gods before me... worship a stone or a Saint. Is to have died spiritually; for the lack of joy and peace that only the True Living God can give...death of the spirit. What of Graven images; how about-money everyone has it. Everyone wants it. Putting it before God is a graven image.


Taking the Lords name in vein... is to loose a blessing, God does forgive; but what was lost? There was some blessing that was due you something that was to be yours on earth? Some blessing was just lost, some joy...some gift from God was yours; you lost it...death to blessings and joys that were due…and are now lost.


What about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy; if we cant live by the rules...do we die by them?

Having no rest at all; our toil being compounded...Death in lack of rest.


To not Honor our Father and our mother...abandon the foundation of ourselves; could be a death; in a lonesome or grieved spirit.


Thou shall not murder; to take a life; is to loose your own.

To loose touch with reality…to live in mental torment on earth before you die. Its death the of you; death of who you once were.


Consider adultery; imagine that sin...first a lie to cover (sin) then hide the act (sinful act). This is prime example of sin begets sin. We die; we loose trust, respect, love, joy, peace, happiness, security and more is lost in all the feelings for our love that were.

Now a broken covenant between God and two in a marriage; we focus on blessings lost. A once blessed relationship; is now death to what was.


Thou shall not steal; to take what is not yours; is truly never yours. Consider once you take it its stained, it lacks joy as to how it was acquired…covering guilt is death of well being.


Considering sins; what is the cost of a mere lie?

Knowing we must tell more than one; we need tell one to cover the first one and so on. It can get to be a deep hole we dig as we keep covering the first lie. Now imagine being discovered as a lie;

the truth comes out. Mans wrath alone; can mean a form of death to our reputation or job, our welfare in someway.


Consider covet what your neighbor has; one can longer enjoy what God has given them. That is a death; in what is or was your own blessing. Death in blindness to the blessings God has given you…are lost as the focus is on; look what they have.


We can see for the wages of sin is death; has so many more deaths before we die.

Even more than we can imagine.

When we die we will pay for the sins of life lived.

We pay many times over for sin; while we live and afterwards.

Sin is not to be taken lightly.


Have you ever heard the statement…


We do and can don’t we? And to think that’s not dead yet.


In this life we that have sinned and repent; seeking sincerely forgiveness from sin. We are forgiven. God promises to remove our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12


We all pay for sin on earth; none are exempt.


In Heaven believers may be stripped of rewards: should they fail to repent sins of omission and commission; that is the ones we know we did and the ones we did and didn’t know we did; or for lack in good works; once saved.


But its the man that says I have no sin: he pays more, he pays on earth and in hell.


In the end we are each rewarded accordingly for our lives lived.

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Men look for failure; in those that profess Christ Salvation.

They will find; what they are searching for.

The unsaved can’t see or understand is repentance of a grievous heart;

can’t see a Christians broken relationship with Christ…


Unsaved men without Christ in their hearts; cannot know what its like; to see gray skies on a clear sunny day; to have a hollow spot in the heart that nothing on earth could fill;

to seek God and He seems distant, His back seems to be turned and He seems to have walked away.


Unsaved can't know… grief of loss, shame and seeming abandonment of God… when a saved man falls into sin and leaves Jesus?

Unsaved can't know what a grievous heart in the Lord feels?


This is a relationship of the heart… with the True Living God.

To fail Him or deny Him…oh one knows it… joy is lost.

Sorrow and sadness set in. Life seems not worth the living.

And in time... after many tears; Jesus seems to say enough and you begin to rise again.


There are punishments on earth we must endure for our walking out of the word of Jesus.

We pay in many ways. For the wages of sin is death.

Here on earth and on the other side of this life we know.


Repentance renders forgiveness, and one day all is well, you have survived and God does restore a heart to a full place of Joy... and you so know you do not want to go there again.

You do not want to abandon the love of Jesus; for self or what the world offers.


Once saved; we are betrothed to Jesus; when we set out to cheat Him… we only cheat ourselves.

It’s a relationship with the True Living God… the unsaved can’t even imagine.


The world can see our faults and failures.


Jesus sees and knows a mans :love: heart.



Wow Love Hurts....the separation from God is the very worst. I have really experienced that in this last bout with sin....this has been horrible and am just coming out of it.


Thank God that is over ....and now on to blessing....yeah!!!!!


Love Hurts, you are so sharp on the word, what a blessing....God has blessed you so delightfully! GBU Sis....

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we are betrothed to Jesus; when we set out to cheat Him … we only cheat ourselves.


a very powerful thought worth bearing, LH ...

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Wow Love Hurts....the separation from God is the very worst. I have really experienced that in this last bout with sin....this has been horrible and am just coming out of it.


Thank God that is over ....and now on to blessing....yeah!!!!!


Love Hurts, you are so sharp on the word, what a blessing....God has blessed you so delightfully! GBU Sis....




I went swimming in the mud a few times.

I know now… Its not worth it.


What’s that statement?

Been there done that.


Yep and its all good until payment comes….


Hebrews 12:8

But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.


Truly sons pay more. We learn through mistakes.


We have the finest teacher… Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (Matthew 6:9)


God Bless you sis; know… two are/ have been …fasting here;

holding you up in prayer.

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we are betrothed to Jesus; when we set out to cheat Him … we only cheat ourselves.


a very powerful thought worth bearing, LH ...


Yes Quankanne we cannot hide from Him.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

(Matthew 10:30)


He that is of God heareth God's words: (John 8:47)

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Who and What Is a True Christian? (copied from somewhere:rolleyes: )

Is it possible, however, for someone to live and die assuming that he or she is a Christian—only to find out in the Judgment that God never recognized their brand of "Christianity"?

A true Christian—who loves God and knows that His laws are based on love—will in faith obey from the heart whatever He asks of him or her. And a Christian’s obedience will not be based on fear (of losing salvation, etc.), or because it "earns" them anything—but will be motivated by their love toward God, and because they understand that heartfelt obedience empowers them to become more and more like God the Father and Jesus Christ.


Many, unfortunately, mistakenly think that love and obedience to God’s commandments are somehow opposites—in conflict with one another. Nothing could be further from the truth! Often, those who claim to be Christian will say they "love the Lord" or "know the Lord"—yet they fail to obey Him


Just for reference

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Who and What Is a True Christian? (copied from somewhere:rolleyes: )

Is it possible, however, for someone to live and die assuming that he or she is a Christian—only to find out in the Judgment that God never recognized their brand of "Christianity"?

A true Christian—who loves God and knows that His laws are based on love—will in faith obey from the heart whatever He asks of him or her. And a Christian’s obedience will not be based on fear (of losing salvation, etc.), or because it "earns" them anything—but will be motivated by their love toward God, and because they understand that heartfelt obedience empowers them to become more and more like God the Father and Jesus Christ.


Many, unfortunately, mistakenly think that love and obedience to God’s commandments are somehow opposites—in conflict with one another. Nothing could be further from the truth! Often, those who claim to be Christian will say they "love the Lord" or "know the Lord"—yet they fail to obey Him


Just for reference


The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing. Psalm 34:10


An old lion—mighty among beasts, That turneth not back from the face of any, Proverbs 30:30



New in the Lord / Old in the Lord

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