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Women and artists?

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There seems to be a cliché (I’m sure most of you have heard it before; I know I have) that women understand male artists (i.e. writers, musicians, painters, etc., not just painters and sculptors) better than other men and tend to be highly attracted to them. I know it’s impossible to generalize about a gender as a whole (:rolleyes:), but I was hoping I would get some opinions and anecdotes. Personally, being a writer myself, I’ve found the exact opposite to be true. Most women (and note I’m saying most and not all) tend to have no more understanding of artists than their male counterparts, and actually seem to shy away from relationships with artistic types, because artists have the tendency to be emotionally unstable, abnormally honest, and a bit incompetent with handling everyday things like relationships. IMO, at least. Anyway, any other thoughts?

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My BF is an artist. He plays a variety of instruments, he paints, he draws, he carves tikis and he writes. Songs mostly.


He says I'm someone who 'gets' him. He claims his exW never did. She would complain if he'd grab his guitar and strum.


We have complete communication. He explains things to me in ways so that I can grasp what he's saying. I do the same with him.


I'm a bit artistic myself. More creative than artistic really. But maybe that's why we click so well.

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I think that women may be attracted to the male artistic temperament, moreso than men attracted to the female artistic temperament. This may have something to do with the initial tapping of more emotional resources than in the “typical” man will let on initially. However, I don’t believe that women as a whole have any more innate understanding of artistic souls than do men. I think that only artists can ultimately understand each other, if anyone can at all, be it a man or a woman.

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There seems to be a cliché (I’m sure most of you have heard it before; I know I have) that women understand male artists (i.e. writers, musicians, painters, etc., not just painters and sculptors) better than other men and tend to be highly attracted to them. I know it’s impossible to generalize about a gender as a whole (:rolleyes:), but I was hoping I would get some opinions and anecdotes. Personally, being a writer myself, I’ve found the exact opposite to be true. Most women (and note I’m saying most and not all) tend to have no more understanding of artists than their male counterparts, and actually seem to shy away from relationships with artistic types, because artists have the tendency to be emotionally unstable, abnormally honest, and a bit incompetent with handling everyday things like relationships. IMO, at least. Anyway, any other thoughts?
As someone in a relationship with an artist. I would agree 100% with you women tend to shy away from artists because of emotionally unstablity , incompotency , and abnormal honesty as a few of the reasons . But only after they have already had the artist experiance . Theres plenty on girls who have not taken that ride yet, though...
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i do not think it matter whether the guy is artistically inclined or not..... i just have to be able to get their individual personality.

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I'm an artist- went to school with hundreds of artists- many of my good friends are artists-


-and I say they're not much different in craziness/unreliability/@$$holeishness than any other guys.


That being said, I'm generally not attracted to artist guys (I used to be though).

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I'm an artist and used to be married to another artist. It was more bad than good for me. I have been involved with writers, composers, & musicians, and have decided that I prefer men with toolbelts to these guys, who were mostly self-centered... loved to have creative time for themselves but did not respect my need for that, tho they pretended to. I also like scientists, but have never been involved with one, Yet

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I'm an artist and used to be married to another artist. It was more bad than good for me. I have been involved with writers, composers, & musicians, and have decided that I prefer men with toolbelts to these guys, who were mostly self-centered... loved to have creative time for themselves but did not respect my need for that, tho they pretended to. I also like scientists, but have never been involved with one, Yet


Yeah, I wasn't trying to imply that women were completely wrong in avoiding artistic men. I always remember a story about James Joyce. One day, a fellow writer/scholar came to see him and was talking to his wife. He said something to the effect of, "Mrs. Joyce, your husband is such a briliant man." And, of course, her response was, "Yes, but you don't have to live with him." :laugh: Which is the reality of living with artists, male or female.

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"Yes, but you don't have to live with him." :laugh: Which is the reality of living with artists, male or female.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Personally, I prefer men who can fix things and who work with their hands building things. I can't say I've ever been able to have a relationship with an artist.

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I think it would probably depend more on the woman and what she's looking for at X point in her life.


The general idea/concept of an artist (no matter what category) is that they're struggling to get to where they need to be and perhaps are moreso on the side of creativity than the average person, but since this is the case they are ambitious. Art is subjective, some people find it to be more of a hobby than a potential career and vice versa.


But for long term relationship purposes, the idea of a business man/corporate (accounting, public relations, banker, etc.) most likely rings more stability and long term job placement with benefits.


As we all know, not every artist will be as lucky as others to have a long term job placement within one company. Either we'll be moving from job to job within a short/mid period of time and do freelance every now and then.


I'd say in the end, it depends whether or not the woman sees potential in the guy and if she's willing to stick around see him fail where others succeed, and eventually rise up and succeed where others may have failed.

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