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I knew it!!

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Hi All,


I just wanted to give you all a small word of advice. TRUST YOUR FEELINGS !!! If your think something is wrong, chances are they are.


I started seeing someone not long ago, I had a feeling he had a child, he told me later, that yes he had a daughter. I also had the feeling that he was married, but he denied it furiously. Turns out he is married and living with his wife!


I just want to tell you - DO NOT IGNORE THE LITTLE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD - chances are its right.


Just a word from the wiser!!




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You are absolutely right. That voice deep down inside is right every time. The big problem is we often don't want to listen, hoping will all our hearts that our feelings are wrong.


Many people never learn and despite all warnings from that faint voice inside, they continue to make mistakes and take the wrong path. It's very hard sometimes to accept the fact that circumstances are, in reality, not like we really want them to be.


Excellent advice, Squirts!!!

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i agree with you to some degree. Most of the time the gut feelings we all have are normally right, however not always. Sometimes it is worth giving the benefit of the doubt.


I learnt from experience that dispite my gut feelings being right about my ex pursuing another relationship while with me (because we weren't serious), it also made me jump to other conclusion that were not totally true and i have been cutting myself up over them ever since.


Sure, believe what you gut feelings are telling you, but then try and get proof whether it be by asking the person involved or digging a bit.

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