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I broke the NC rule, what next?

The Lost Boy

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I had this 20 month relationship with this girl from my course, and we broke up on october last year, she broke up with me actually. it was because of something I said to her. since then I was devastated, i tried begging, confessing my love for her, telling her that I'll change and all that. it's been 4 months going 5 and I'm still thinking of her. ok, I'm not against NC. but i decided that keeping all these feelings in me will get me crazy sooner or later. so yesterday I smsed my ex-, just asking how was she doing. she didn't reply til this morning at round 6 am. and from then til this afternoon 1pm we kept on smsing each other, nothing in the contents that hinted I wanted her back or that I was missing her. each of our smses were (on average) more than a page long. we talked bout things, bout her life so far, how's she doing so far struggling with her sickness. she sounded happy, she said thanks for still being her friend. she asked me how I was, whether I was still sick, and I said sorry and thanks to her for all that we had before, I even put in a non serious phrase that although I missed her sometimes life must go on. things like that. but we kept it shallow, not too deep.

I want her back for sure, but I'm not sure what I did was right. did it jeopardize my chances? do I even still have a chance? what should I do for the next steps?

insights please....

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Leaving out the part of what you said that devastated her seems important in order to answer with advice. That may explain why your post had many views and no responses.

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oops.. sorry.. well what happened whas that I got so pissed off at her that i started to shout at her, well not really shouted, it was through sms. and I told her that this relationship is screwed and totally f*cked. and when I met her I was completely childish to just ignore her completely. that's what happened before she broke me off. she's the type of person that doesn't like to be shouted at, because of her previous marriage to an abusive guy. does that info help? thx..

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