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talking to a girl i like

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I am 14 years old and in 8th grade. Unfortunately, the girl I like is in 7th grade; so I dont see her in school very much; maybe once or twice in the hallway. We ride the same bus and thats the only time I can see her. I've never had a girlfriend b4 and nor ever felt this way to a girl before. I'm totally open to other girls but i'm a little shy to the one i like. i mean talking to other girls is easy but its just different trying to talk to this one:( I kinda already made a plan. 1.have some long conversations with her for a while (make her comfortable being around me) 2.ask her out at the end of one. I need help on step 1. What do i talk about? i cant really find what interests she has because i cant talk to her friends at all. (bc they're all in 7 grade too). Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I want to ask her out b4 valentines day:D :D

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Can you sit next to her on the bus? That would be a first step. I'd ask her if she minds if you sit next to her and then I'd start a conversation about something going on at school. Or you could ask her if she's always lived where you live and if not where else has she lived? There are a MILLION things you could bring up. Are there some people you both know in common? If so, you could say something like "What do you think about that crazy so and so?" Something along those lines...or "Isn't so and so a great person?"


Does any of that help? I can think of some more if you want? You can make believe I'm her if you want and practice. Like tell me what you think you'll say first? And I'll be her. Is that too dorky? It would be good practice though.


Whatever you say though, keep your confidence. Make believe you're acting and try to not show that you're nervous. You can do it!

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thank you touche well she does like to talk about school alot. actually a few days ago she showed that she got a 106 on a test lol. i bring candy alot on the bus and she always wants some. of course i give some to her and of course the other girls (and guys) want some. if i only gave some to her would that tell her that i like her without saying it? ps there is a devil teacher in her grade that everyone hates so thats an idea

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You're welcome, Harris.


Devil teacher!:laugh: That made me laugh. Yes, talk about that teacher. That's perfect.


About the candy idea...that was good but then everyone else will not like you for that! Ha ha!


So it sounds like you already know what to do. I hope you tell us how it goes!

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ok touche you were kinda right lol. I do have an outline of what i wanna do. its kind of like this. you first brainstorm for an essay. then you do your rough draft. my brainstorming is done but i need help on using the brainstorming ideas into a rough draft (what to talk to her about and stuff) which you helped me on. after the rough draft is done you keep trying to improve your essay by editing and revising (talking to her more and more) until you're ready to write a final copy (ask her out). sorry i kind of get carried away when i type:laugh:

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ok touche you were kinda right lol. I do have an outline of what i wanna do. its kind of like this. you first brainstorm for an essay. then you do your rough draft. my brainstorming is done but i need help on using the brainstorming ideas into a rough draft (what to talk to her about and stuff) which you helped me on. after the rough draft is done you keep trying to improve your essay by editing and revising (talking to her more and more) until you're ready to write a final copy (ask her out). sorry i kind of get carried away when i type:laugh:


That was right on target and pretty clever too. I don't have any more suggestions. It really does sound like you've got it pretty much figured out now. Maybe others will have other suggestions though. Good luck!

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One thing to keep in mind is not to plan out the whole thing. Anyway when it finally comes to asking her I think the best thing for you to say would be "Hey do you wanna hang out after school?'

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