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oh no

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It's far better you find out now than marry him and have to go through a big court trial for his bigamy. Celebrate that he is out of your life...just in time.


You were defrauded, lied to, played for a fool. We've all been there. Tell his butt off and never see or speak with him again in all your days on this earth.


Then go about the process of healing and building a capacity for trust.


Now, I have to tell you one thing. There is no human way you can see a married man with children over any period of time without getting hints. Maybe you should take more cold showers and pay much more attention.


You have to take some responsiblity here. I say he's 75 percent to blame for deceiving you and you are 25 percent to blame for NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!!


This love stuff isn't easy. You have got to pay attention during the courting process or you will be eaten alive.


I'm very sorry this happened to you but my bet is it won't even happen again...not quite this way.

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