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Should I call him?


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Lately I've been thinking about my ex boyfriend, who I have not seen in over 10 years. We broke up in 97' and we moved on. I got married had a child, got divorced about three years ago-- Well again I've been thinking about my ex Eddie - for a couple days - so I called his old job and to my surprise he's still working there.. well we talked very briefly I told him that I'd been thinking about him and that I just called to say hi-- honestly I wanted to talk more and would love to see him, maybe catch a movie. --- I was too scare to tell him this-- I'm not sure if he is married?? I do know he has no children... He sounded surprise of my call -- but who wouldn't -- anyway it was kind of an ackward call --- I wish we were able to talk a bit more..... anyway my question is should I call him again? or leave it at that?

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Go for it :)


Dont get your hopes up too much though if you aren't prepared for the answer you dont want to hear :(




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Er...I agree with everyone's gusto here, but I would suggest first that you find out if he's married or even dating someone seriously. If he's free, then what the hell, go for it! But if not, then don't waste your time.

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I say this because you already called him. If he is available/and or intrigued by the call, he will find a way to contact you. If he doesn't want to go back down memory lane with you, he won't contact you. It's that simple. Ball's in his court.

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I say you call him. Ask if he'd like to meet for coffee. If he says no, then you're done. If he volunteers that he has a wife or something, you know the answer to that. If he agrees, then you can feel out the answer to the wife/girlfriend question by just asking him to update you on the last 10 years of his life.


If it's been that long, I wouldn't think that you are going to be completely heartbroken if he's unavailable or uninterested. I probably wouldn't be. If nothing much happens, at least it was a chance to check in with someone you clearly still care about.


I'd call. :) Oh, and then tell us all what happens!!!!

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Could you give us more information on your break up such as who broke up with who and what the circumstances were? I'd like to get a clearer picture of what really happened before advising you to call. It would all depend on how things ended, how he treated you while you were in the relationship etc.

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